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What will we do when the Government run out of things to 'cut'?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I note it says estimated. Do you have any actual figures, or is it going to be like this post where you made a similar claim regarding school sports but failed to back it up and ignored my reply which proved otherwise?


As for the new rules on playing fields, that's a good thing. I know one school which owns fields which can be 15 minutes walk from the school building and are never used. So what's wrong with selling unwanted land?


Even your own BBC link contradicts the report:




But people just read the headline, which is based on someone's assumption - an assumption to fit their biased agenda.


Just out of morbid interest I submitted an FOI request asking for how many fields were sold off, and if the schools were actually extant at the time.


I'll let you, Mecky and Taxman know if/when I get anything back although it of course can take some time.

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  • 1 month later...

just heard the daftest proposals of this idiot government, not ashamed of leading us into a double dip recession, taking money off the genuinely ill, now they are coming after the workers, sell off your employment rights for a shares, hard lines if the company goes bust your shares are not worth the paper that they are written on, been waiting for the day when they will get rid of the minimum wage as i have said from the start this is what all this is about,. be a good little wage slave, buy your shares of the bosses and then be sacked in the morning and oh you cannot take your shares with you , you have no right to an industrial tribunal, no redundant payouts, no holiday pay, brilliant ain?t it. in other words because you are a worker you do not have a brain and cannot think things through.

also see he after the youth again, it is not their fault that there are no jobs, but no he does not want them to have housing benefit, I thought it was the law in this country that you could get married at 18 without parental consent, the couple may have good jobs when they got wed but then due to being made redundant, accident or just on a low wage have had to claim housing benefit.

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Were things really better in the 1970's? :huh:


Having lived through the 1970's with the 3 day week, daily power cuts, rubbish and vermin building up in the streets and the entire country being held to ransom by the Trade Unions, I have a different memory of it.


I remember the power cuts here in the 70s but we actually have had more power cuts this very year in my area


and just had a call saying sorry from Scottish power earlier today

for such happening again <-- and were now into the year 2012


Although i much preferred the 70s than todays World

as their was jobs until Maggie Thatcher and her cronies in the

early 80s came hammering on the poor of society as they tend to always do

they get no votes from Scotland the torys and know they are not wanted

in the North and now again i see the same Government in Power

and see the same happening to young people <-- its even worse for them


And this tory lot are also cutting peoples right to benefits

with genuinely disabled people being also taken off benefits

and much mistakes have been made by this Atos lot whom are a french firm

sais to be hired by this tory Government

In the 70s as sais there was jobs , pubs at wkends were busy and better

now no jobs and pubs have closed down evrywhere and more are about

to follow and this also leads to more unemployed which is the cause of the tory Govenrment


Scotland is taking note especially young Scots now aged to vote

and whyshould we be ruled by a Southern English Party whom we dont

give votes for ..We need big change but i personally wont vote

for SNP as i call them the tartan torys and dont want to see Scotland

going the way only for the Wealthy in Scotland whom i think Alex Salmond

is more for therefor only Labour im left with to vote , but these days

check your Labour guys out , you would have thought if you never knew

they were torys in the way they speak at times ..Anyhow this Country

is becoming worse i also remember Enoch Powell whom got bombarded

when he sais allow coloured and foreigners into Britain as was some

but not to many happening in the 60s especially in South of England and your larger citys


Enoch Powell sais allow them in now and in 20 yrs time Britain

shall be overloaded with them , as they breed like h-ll

then Britain shall have more crime and unemployment etc

he was right i reckon ..now there are far to many foreign people also

working in Britain ..instance i went for a train for Edinburgh

and who came to check for my ticket some Johnny Foreigner

on a bus i got on whom was driving the bus again a Johnny Foreigner

then when in Edinburgh bus station, whom was walking around wearing the depot uniform

yes Johnny Foreigner


We need to have many of these foreign folks taken out of the UK

and more jobs then for our Locals i say

even in the Scotland shops in Edinburghs Royal Mile and Princess Street

its all foreigners , one young girl i spoke to she came over to work

for the Summer from Poland ..The locals should have them jobs ..

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The situation in the seventies was very different from today. We recovered from that, there is no guarantee that we will recover from this at all. And it's a certainty that a great many never will.


We are moving exponentially towards an automated, mechanised society where full time work will become increasingly rare, and company profits will end up in the hands of the owners not the workforce


Which politician is ever going to admit that? Basically it's every man for himself.

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I remember the power cuts here in the 70s but we actually have had more power cuts this very year in my area


and just had a call saying sorry from Scottish power earlier today

for such happening again <-- and were now into the year 2012


Although i much preferred the 70s than todays World

as their was jobs until Maggie Thatcher and her cronies in the

early 80s came hammering on the poor of society as they tend to always do

they get no votes from Scotland the torys and know they are not wanted

in the North and now again i see the same Government in Power

and see the same happening to young people <-- its even worse for them


And this tory lot are also cutting peoples right to benefits

with genuinely disabled people being also taken off benefits

and much mistakes have been made by this Atos lot whom are a french firm

sais to be hired by this tory Government

In the 70s as sais there was jobs , pubs at wkends were busy and better

now no jobs and pubs have closed down evrywhere and more are about

to follow and this also leads to more unemployed which is the cause of the tory Govenrment


Scotland is taking note especially young Scots now aged to vote

and whyshould we be ruled by a Southern English Party whom we dont

give votes for ..We need big change but i personally wont vote

for SNP as i call them the tartan torys and dont want to see Scotland

going the way only for the Wealthy in Scotland whom i think Alex Salmond

is more for therefor only Labour im left with to vote , but these days

check your Labour guys out , you would have thought if you never knew

they were torys in the way they speak at times ..Anyhow this Country

is becoming worse i also remember Enoch Powell whom got bombarded

when he sais allow coloured and foreigners into Britain as was some

but not to many happening in the 60s especially in South of England and your larger citys


Enoch Powell sais allow them in now and in 20 yrs time Britain

shall be overloaded with them , as they breed like h-ll

then Britain shall have more crime and unemployment etc

he was right i reckon ..now there are far to many foreign people also

working in Britain ..instance i went for a train for Edinburgh

and who came to check for my ticket some Johnny Foreigner

on a bus i got on whom was driving the bus again a Johnny Foreigner

then when in Edinburgh bus station, whom was walking around wearing the depot uniform

yes Johnny Foreigner


We need to have many of these foreign folks taken out of the UK

and more jobs then for our Locals i say

even in the Scotland shops in Edinburghs Royal Mile and Princess Street

its all foreigners , one young girl i spoke to she came over to work

for the Summer from Poland ..The locals should have them jobs ..


Do you feel better now?:hihi:

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The situation in the seventies was very different from today. We recovered from that, there is no guarantee that we will recover from this at all. And it's a certainty that a great many never will.


We are moving exponentially towards an automated, mechanised society where full time work will become increasingly rare, and company profits will end up in the hands of the owners not the workforce

Which politician is ever going to admit that? Basically it's every man for himself.


Why should a companies profit end up in the hands of the workforce?,it is the owners business.

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