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That it should come to this!

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I wonder what would have happened if the children got on the train and there weren’t enough seats for them all. Would a teacher take the children off the train and wait for the next one.


Probably a teacher would complain to the ticket bloke and sight some health and safety ****** and get him to move some poor commuter from their seat.

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What about all the able bodied adults not giving up their seats for the disabled person or the war veteran? How old were these children? they only did as they were told and the teachers were following rules, what's wrong with that? maybe we should be more disgusted that the educated teachers didn't give up their seats? Now that makes more sense to me!

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That some teachers are enjoining such discourtesy and selfishness!


"fellow traveller in his late 70s was so appalled by the youngsters’ behaviour that he got off the train, saying he had fought in Egypt for the future of Britain’s children but now they would not offer him a seat. "


Wonder which war for the future of britain's children he was referring to, as he'd have been 12 when ww2 finished at the most.

If the teachers were seated but didn't offer up their seats that's not nice. But on a busy north London train I don't think I'd want a class full of little kiddies milling about stood up. To get around this all they have to do is make disabled only seats like car park bays. Easily implemented. If they don't already have them they should.

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Funnily enough I was on the tram last week coming home fron work, and the tram was full of primary school children. No teacher instructed one of their charges to 'stand up so the tired looking man can sit down'.

Still, the story of the old boy on the train seems a bit of a trivial story to be in a national newspaper like the Daily Telegraph. Perhaps they're hoping to whip up a bit of 'politically correct elf and safety obsessed' teacher bashing.

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"She said a fellow traveller in his late 70s was so appalled by the youngsters’ behaviour that he got off the train, saying he had fought in Egypt for the future of Britain’s children..."


Wonder which war for the future of britain's children he was referring to, as he'd have been 12 when ww2 finished at the most.


He would have been talking about Suez which was hardly about the future of Britain's children,

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"She said a fellow traveller in his late 70s was so appalled by the youngsters’ behaviour that he got off the train, saying he had fought in Egypt for the future of Britain’s children..."




He would have been talking about Suez which was hardly about the future of Britain's children,


In 40 years the Iraq "veterans" will expect the same for saving the future of britain's children. Sigh.

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"She said a fellow traveller in his late 70s was so appalled by the youngsters’ behaviour that he got off the train, saying he had fought in Egypt for the future of Britain’s children..."




He would have been talking about Suez which was hardly about the future of Britain's children,


Korea maybe?

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When I was at school, if we went anywhere as a group, there was a private coach or bus laid on. We didn't have to go on Public Transport at the same time as the Public.......How times have changed.:confused:

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Well it should be expected, its our culture now, and self gratification is the norm, and it was engineered perfectly. Thatcher, well not her as she was a conduit, lowered the educational level, which has continued till today. One in four adults cannot read or write, and their children of these section of society encourages stupidity, and that is the norm. Why add up when you can use a calculator? Have the change worked out for you?


But the real picture was bigger. Once selfish people were regarded as "All right Jacks" and were not admired, as their questionable deals just screwed others out of their money. The greedy were repackaged as entrepreneurs, ordinary jobs became various management, including toilet cleaners, as the propaganda of accepting greed as normal pushed ahead. So sell anything for a few quid, let the grabbers, get a dew quid for nothing, as the propaganda of privatisation flooded the media. Greed was suddenly good, and the British changed from a caring society in general, to a grab it while it lasts. Competition and not co-operation was the mantra.


So being crap at maths allows clever bankers to make the idiots sign wherever, backed up by media propaganda. But a society feeding on greed, needs to hate some for being inferior, thus trade unions, single mother, and thus dividing people into camps started.


Today it’s the deserving poor and opposed to non deserving, the deserving cripples as opposed to the others, the young being lazy, despite no jobs, and the propaganda never stops as different sections of society are vilifies. Divide and rule, and dividing the working and middle class is the point, so they can point at the lazy grabbers and feel superior. Justice and fairness do not work in a greed driven society, where competition in school helps to reinforce the message. You just think of NO1, and sod the rest, let them drown, die, suffer.


So the old git, should have seen what was happening at the time, and not complained when the milk has been spilt. It was obvious, is obvious, and pretending it is sudden and not engineered, is ridiculous. Well just wait, the old, the “GRAVE DODGERS” the old and well off are going to be the next targets. They have the money, the jobs, the wealth, and maybe its about time to consider walk in euthanasia clinics to rid us all of the old, sick, depressed, and hopeless. Democracy is all about choice, and we choose to rid ourselves of the undeserving, and the majority, the greedy, and selfish will one day embrace another solution. Invest in undertakers, it’s a booming industry, profits will soar. 65 million, well better with 30 million, stoke up them fires there is money in filth.

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