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Prisoners to have sex visits in prison

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Yet another one that assumes the girlfiend or wife on the outside can only be a chav on the make, a benefit scrounger never once considering that they may have an income of their own and are oblivious to what their partner has been getting up to.


The majority i would imagine would need government aid.

The minority may not.


Go google,and prove me wrong.

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Where will this all end?


If denying conjugal visits to criminals is against their human rights, then isn't keeping criminals locked up also against human rights?


I agree with you, the whole principle of locking people up is a mark of a primitive society and should have no place in the 21st century. In all cases except for perhaps murderers and rapists, criminals should be given community based punishments that actually give something back to society. What do we achieve by locking them up?

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I agree with you, the whole principle of locking people up is a mark of a primitive society and should have no place in the 21st century. In all cases except for perhaps murderers and rapists, criminals should be given community based punishments that actually give something back to society. What do we achieve by locking them up?


That wasn't what I was saying at all :)


A prison term is supposed to be a form of punishment.


If prisoners can't get any conjugal action because they're locked up, well they should have thought of that before committing the crime!

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The original article doesn't talk about 'prisoners having sex with their spouses'. - It talks about 'prisoners having sex with their partners.'


Assuming that prisoners were permitted to have sex with their partners, then:


Where would they have sex? - In a corner of the visiting room?


If 'conjugal visits rooms' are to be constructed, where would you build them?


Where would the money for the construction come from?


Would you convert some of the existing cells - and thus contribute further to over-crowding?


Would you build them outside the prison grounds? (And if so, how would you provide security?)


How much extra work would be made for the prison service? (Presumably somebody would have to monitor the prisoners.)


Where will the money for the additional prison officers come from?


Perhaps all prisoners (other than those receiving visits) could be 'banged up'for the day to free up prison officers to act as additional supervisors?


Many prisons have a 'drug problem'. The drugs (other than hooch) are not produced in the prisons, so presumably somebody brings them in. If prisoners are allowed conjugal visits, will their partners be subjected to extensive (and invasive) searching prior to the visits?


Who will do that?


Who will pay for that to be done?


If -as the article suggests - prisoners are to be allowed conjugal visits with their 'partners' who is going to define 'partner'?


If it is illegal to discriminate against somebody on the grounds of sexual orientation, will same-sex partners have the same rights as opposite-sex partners?


The word 'partner' (as used to describe relationships in the UK) is not usually construed to mean 'married partners'. If unmarried partners are to be treated differently to married partners, how long will it be before either a prisoner or that prisoner's partner brings an action against the Prison Service for discrimination?


Who will pay for that?


Sounds like yet another "very, very, very cunning plan.

...as cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on and is now working for the U.N. at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning."

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The majority i would imagine would need government aid.

The minority may not.


Go google,and prove me wrong.


You've just admitted to being wrong in part yourself so that wont be necessary will it but that wasn't my aim or my point. It's the assumption that the woman would not cope by herself because of what? They must all be low lifes like the 'gangster' must be.

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We were talking of generalities, no-one's mentioned a specific case so how can I possibly answer that?

So you aren't interested in reoffending rates, you just want them to suffer? Surely it's more important that they don't offend when they get out than that they suffer whilst their inside?


I was talking generalities.

The "free" partner was either party to the activities or wasn't. If they were they aren't a good influence on the naughty an should be kept away.if they didn't know the offender obviously cared more about themselves than the "free" party.


No it's more important they don't offend in the first place.

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It's not sex to rehabilitate people, it's sex to keep the good relations with their spouse which will make them less likely to reoffend.


Who gives a crap about some single inmate getting jealous, it's about results, and bringing down reoffending rates, not protecting their feelings.


You seem to be arguing things both ways, on the one hand you want prisoners to be punished, and then on the other you're concerned about making the single ones feel a little bit lonely? Classic mr Smith, arguing both sides of an issue in order to try and troll as many people as possible.


Most prisoners are not blessed with criminal ingenuity.


The vast majority of them are petty repeat offenders, some of them are

prone to irrational and compulsive behaviour, upon leaving prison they are probably going to be as irrational and compulsive as when they entered prison, they are very likely to complete the cycle, reoffend and suffer reincarceration.


Those prisoners that are rational will of course realise that the idiot liberals that are going to imprison them will provide accommodation (sometimes with ensuite facilities), food, gym facilities, education if required, xbox games, booze and drugs (not officially of course) and even a session with whoever is going to pretend to be the Mrs. They are not exactly going to see an overwhelming case for avoiding trouble either.


Some prisoners offend (lots of them) because of drug abuse and or dealing, a roll in the hay will not change their behaviour.



You mentioned something about reducing the reoffending rate?

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I'll accept that point, but please see post #46.


If denying them conjugal visits is against the criminals human right, then why bother locking them up in the first place? Isn't that also against the criminals human rights?


I don't know. The human rights debacle is exactly that and has been exploited and stretched beyond recognition and I believe has long since diverted from it's original intention.

I don't see that locking people away is necessarily an infringement of human rights unless they are denied basic privileges and whether sex is one of those again, I couldn't say.

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Excuse me if I'm wrong, but isn't the idea of going to prison that people forfeit such activity? Those pesky conservative lefties eh?




It's all a non story anyway as most serving prisoners are already allowed out to have sex with their partners. Haven't people heard of home leave or town visits?



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It's all a non story anyway as most serving prisoners are already allowed out to have sex with their partners. Haven't people heard of home leave or town visits?




Wow, what a link!


A website giving advice to first-time criminals and their loving families, explaining to them their rights!


Does a similar website exist for the victims of such criminals, or should they go and jump off a cliff for all the good it will do?

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