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Suicide Bombers - Should Ms Tonge have been sacked by Lib Dems

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My understanding is that she did not agree with suicide bombings but merely understood the motivation behind their actions.

Do we just sack people we do not agree with. Where is freedom of speech here?


A person does not have to agree with something to understand or try to understand another persons actions.


I do not think suicide bombings have any point at all but Ms Tonge's point is, I think, that they will continue until somebody sorts out the Israeli's attitude to the West Bank. I think everybody will agree with the fact that the Palestinians have a genuine grievance against the Israeli government and that the Israelis do not seem interested in giving up any territory they have gained.

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I don't think she should have been sacked. She said she could understand why people may become suicide bombers - surely understanding WHY they do it is a pre-requisit to finding a solution?


As the grafitee in Northen Ireland says..."If you can see a solution, you don't understand the problem"

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The difference here is that whilst Kilroy has repeatedly used crashing generalisations in his print journalism to denigrate many nations and races, Tonge made a single stupid error of judgement in implicity condoning terrorism.


But Tonge is pursuing public office, not presenting some cack TV show - I notice Kilroy gave up his political career.


I have revised my opinion of Kilroy, not only is he an idiot and a fool but his blinkered xenophobia and bordering on the paranoid mistrust of 'foreigners' shows that he is also a small minded bigot.


Tonge has not shown any tendency to become a suicide bomber, but in recognising that desparation leads people to extreme acts, she has committed a political gaffe.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

Tonge has not shown any tendency to become a suicide bomber, but in recognising that desparation leads people to extreme acts, she has committed a political gaffe.

I don't think it was a gaffe at all. As you quite rightly say, desparation leads people to commit extreme acts. I can't imagine I would even be in that situation myself, but I can sympathise with people who are. I can't understand why she's said anything wrong. :confused:

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If it's unacceptable to say you can see someone elses point of view, we'll never go anywhere.


Once you understand why someone does somthing, you can start to possibly change things. Do you honestly believe suicide bombers do it just because they're born evil?

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