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Suicide Bombers - Should Ms Tonge have been sacked by Lib Dems

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Suicide bombers do it, as far as I'm aware, because their remaining family receive a large lump-sum out of the kitty which is organised by the likes of Mr Laden and the ex-Mr Hussein.

At the last count I heard it was around £50,000 per blow-up


That's how it works.

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Originally posted by dilwise

My understanding is that she did not agree with suicide bombings but merely understood the motivation behind their actions.

Do we just sack people we do not agree with. Where is freedom of speech here?


A person does not have to agree with something to understand or try to understand another persons actions.


I do not think suicide bombings have any point at all but Ms Tonge's point is, I think, that they will continue until somebody sorts out the Israeli's attitude to the West Bank. I think everybody will agree with the fact that the Palestinians have a genuine grievance against the Israeli government and that the Israelis do not seem interested in giving up any territory they have gained.

No, Israel doesn't want to give up any more territory - why should it? Israel is only about the size of Wales as it is and makes up approx 0.15% of the 'Middle East', which is otherwise occupied by arab/muslim countries. The truth is it doesn't matter how many consessions Israel makes the Palestinians/arab nations will not be happy until there is no Israel.


As for Tonge - she made an idiotic statement whilst trying to be "right on" and play to the audience she was addressing. Had she had the sense to climb down and make her excuses she may have got a second chance. Instead, she chose to "stand by her statement" and got sacked. The right decision.


It's not about freedom of speech. She was a representative for a political party and made comments that NO mainstream political party would claim to support or tolerate. When you're a member of a club you have to play by the rules and she should have known better.

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Miss Tonges opinion was correct and freedom of speech on racial or ethnic and religous issues has gone loopy.

Ask why a married man with a family unemployed, can't pay his way and see's no light at the end of the tunnel gets caught shop lifting.

Its not right and there is no excuse but you can see why they do it.

Miss Tonges opinion was exactly the same but because it upset muslum communitys they sacked her.

This countrys becoming a political joke.

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

Miss Tonges opinion was correct and freedom of speech on racial or ethnic and religous issues has gone loopy.

Ask why a married man with a family unemployed, can't pay his way and see's no light at the end of the tunnel gets caught shop lifting.

Its not right and there is no excuse but you can see why they do it.

Miss Tonges opinion was exactly the same but because it upset muslum communitys they sacked her.

This countrys becoming a political joke.


I thought she was sacked because she supported the Palestinian's use of suicide bombers not because she upset muslim communities. You seem to have got your knickers in a twist here.

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Miss Tonges opinion was exactly the same but because it upset muslum communitys they sacked her.


It was the Jewish communities who were upset by Dr. Tonge's comments.




No, Israel doesn't want to give up any more territory - why should it? Israel is only about the size of Wales as it is and makes up approx 0.15% of the 'Middle East', which is otherwise occupied by arab/muslim countries. The truth is it doesn't matter how many consessions Israel makes the Palestinians/arab nations will not be happy until there is no Israel.


This link goes some way to explaining why IMHO.

Occupation of Palestine

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

Suicide bombers do it, as far as I'm aware, because their remaining family receive a large lump-sum out of the kitty which is organised by the likes of Mr Laden and the ex-Mr Hussein.

At the last count I heard it was around £50,000 per blow-up


That's how it works.


The Ex-Mr Hussein, is, as far as I know, still Saddam Hussein (no new identity yet). His payments have stopped.


Those from Saudi Arabia and Qatar continue.


And the payements are a) not guaranteed but bestowed as gifts and b)of theorder of $5000-$15000, not $75,000 as you suggested.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

The Ex-Mr Hussein, is, as far as I know, still Saddam Hussein (no new identity yet). His payments have stopped.


Another reason to pay regular bills by direct debit or standing order. I bet he'll be cross when he gets back to Tikrit and finds the gas cut off.

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Originally posted by max

I thought she was sacked because she supported the Palestinian's use of suicide bombers not because she upset muslim communities. You seem to have got your knickers in a twist here.

Give over Max.

Thats there excuse for getting rid, we all know that if we say the wrong word these days the racial brigade want to hang draw and quarter you.

Unless its a white man onj the recieving end then it does'nt matter.

Miss Tonge does not support suicide bombers, no one in there right mind would she mearly explained why they do it.

They do it for a reason, maybe money maybe because they just have no brains, what ever there reason she just pointed one possibility out.

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No what she said was:


That sort of thing repeated on a daily basis made me understand how people can become suicide bombers. I think if I had to live in that situation - and I say that advisedly - I might just consider becoming one myself


Imagine if Neil Kinnock had said a similar thing about IRA bombers during Thatcher's reign - He would have been burnt at the stake in Trafalgar Square.


This has nothing at all to do with race. Ms Tonge is part of a politcical system that has a recent strong tradition of condemning terrorism.


In a sense it is 'political correctness' gone mad, (not a phrase I am given to using) because it is now almost impossible in British politics to explcitly or implicitly condone terrorism. Violence and death is OK, just not terrorism (which of course is defined by the powers that be)


This seems to be mostly as a result of the 30 years of 'difficulties' in Northern Ireland.

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