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Is is illegal to read your spouse's emails

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nope, it is not illegal to read them (although I am no lawyer).


I assume you actually mean is it illegal to read them without permission or something? Like post is illegal to open if addressed to someone else.


Yeah, sorry, I mean read them without permission.

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Just wondered if anyone had come across this. Is it illeagal for a spouse to read your emails?

no not illegal ......but could be interesting:suspect:....you may find something out you wish you hadnt!

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I dunno if it's just me, or the way my parents brought me up, but I see it as strictly taboo to do any of the following:


Trawl text messages on anyone elses phone.

Look or get anything out of a womans handbag

Look or get anything out of a womans purse

Look at anyone elses emails


I've had partners that say, "oh just get 'whatever' out of my purse it's in my handbag"....To that request (or something similar), I go and fetch their handbag for them and make them take out whatever it is. Even if they give me impicit permission, the same rules (for me) apply.


Maybe it's just me!

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