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Netball players needed!!

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Hi :)


I am part of a netball team called 'Mish Mash' who play in central Sheffield at 'Goals' next to All Saints School on Wednesday evenings. We are looking for a couple of players to join our team. We are in the lowest league largely because we never have enough players to put forward a full team of 7 so end up losing! Anyone with a basic knowledge of the rules and some experience of having played before is more than welcome to get in touch!!


Look forward to hearing from you!!



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Hi, we play on a wednesday each week. It's just the time that changes: either 6:30pm, 7:25pm, 8:15pm or 9:05pm. We are a team of mixed ages (ranging from mid 20's to late 30's) and mixed abilities as well. When did you last play? Did you play a particular position?



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Hi Lindsay, Sorry it took me so long to reply. i don't have internet access very often! Wednesday isn't a good night for me as I volunteer with young children during school term time. Incidentally, this ends next wednesday untl mid-september, but I'm guessing you want a long-term player, rather than someone who can only play now and again. i could make the matches that were after 8, even during term time, but I would struggle to get there for the earlier ones after september.


I mostly played GA or WA, though I reckon my shooting skills won't be too hot these days! The last time I played was about three years ago, but this was with a 'back to netball' scheme. I played all through secondary school for the team and local area. I'm 24 now.

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Yellowtop - sorry i've taken ages to reply. It is the match night matches and we are down as 'Mish mash' now.

dothehussell - We ideally could do with someone long term but have a lot of matches that are after 8pm so you may find that you could play more often than not anyway. Do you fancy coming along and watching us to start with and see what you think?



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Hi again Lindsay,


Thanks for the reply. Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Let me know a time and a place and I can be there.


Just another question... on the wednesdays that you play a match do you train before hand or is that on another day? just curious how it works. I've not been in a league team before, just secondary school tournaments/matches.


hope to hear from you soon.



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