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Retirement, bored!!

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This is not a problem that I have experienced,because much as I enjoyed my work,I was happy to take early retirement to do things that I preferred.

In my case it's sports,grandchildren,messing about round the house and garden.

I had some vague thoughts about voluntary work,but 3 years on I haven't had the time or inclination to pursue this,as I'm too busy enjoying the freedom.

I hope you find something to occupy your time other than day time tv or the pub.

If all else fails can't you go back to roofing.

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when I retired early from my job as a roofer I made a big mistake i have never been as bored! any suggestions?.


There is always stuff to do, golf, gardening, bowls, carpentry, creative writing, whatever you want to do. Perhaps you don't want to do anything? Age and retirement do not really restrict occupying your time although any physical disabilities be restrictive.

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There is always stuff to do, golf, gardening, bowls, carpentry, creative writing, whatever you want to do. Perhaps you don't want to do anything? Age and retirement do not really restrict occupying your time although any physical disabilities be restrictive.


Mecky may not have a clue about politics but he's spot on there! If you're reasonably healthy how about taking up walking or cycling? There's some lovely pleaces to see in the Peak District for example and if you've over 60 you can get there on the bus for free.


AFAIK you can get free bus travel throughout England so why not try visiting other parts of the country as well?

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