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The Dreaded Lurg :(

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On Monday morning, I awoke to being violently sick...this happened 14 times throughout the day. With a similar amount of visits to the bog.

Now.....Wednesday it had almost gone. Today, I have a temp. im hot and cold and shaky... And the thought of food makes me want to hurl.

Has anyone else had this? How long does it last? And....will i die :hihi:

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2 weeks ago I started with a horribl bunged up nose & head. Next day the shakes & shivers next day a shocking cough, the type where you could literally cough a lung up. That lasted a week. The sickie bug started Tuesday hurling and (what not) all day. Felt achey & off yesterday and woke up today with the cough again. I'm bloody well fed up. I've gone full circle & still not better.

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On Monday morning, I awoke to being violently sick...this happened 14 times throughout the day. With a similar amount of visits to the bog.

Now.....Wednesday it had almost gone. Today, I have a temp. im hot and cold and shaky... And the thought of food makes me want to hurl.

Has anyone else had this? How long does it last? And....will i die :hihi:


Sounds like food poisoning.


If you've stopped throwing up and visiting the loo that could be progress in itself - then again, if you're not eating and drinking much it may just be that you haven't got anything left to emit. Sounds like you're still feeling sick, which sometimes is as bad as being sick.


It's important to keep hydrated and it's worth taking something like Dioralyte for this.


GI problems like this usually are self-limiting and clear up within 2 or 3 days. As you're now on your third day I'd suggest that you see a doctor if you're still like it tomorrow.


There's no doubt that you will die - but not as a result of this episode.

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I think there's something going around. Someone at work had a sickness bug last week, I was ill on Saturday and my friend said she was also ill. I felt fine in myself but I had to keep running to the toilet :(

If you can't get to the shop to get some Dioralyte, you can make your own:


When I was little my mum always gave me ice pops or an ice lolly to suck when I was sick. I suppose it works because it means you get liquid, but in small doses, so it doesn't 'shock' your stomach into vomiting again.

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On Monday morning, I awoke to being violently sick...this happened 14 times throughout the day. With a similar amount of visits to the bog.

Now.....Wednesday it had almost gone. Today, I have a temp. im hot and cold and shaky... And the thought of food makes me want to hurl.

Has anyone else had this? How long does it last? And....will i die :hihi:


Had this at the beginning of June the feeling of hurling when I thought of food lasted 2 weeks with me.Get well soon

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On Monday morning, I awoke to being violently sick...this happened 14 times throughout the day. With a similar amount of visits to the bog.

Now.....Wednesday it had almost gone. Today, I have a temp. im hot and cold and shaky... And the thought of food makes me want to hurl.

Has anyone else had this? How long does it last? And....will i die :hihi:


I can assure you that you will (eventually)

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