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How different would the world be if most animals had hands?

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Forumosaurus would appear to be aptly named, this view of animals is prehistoric but then he enjoys riling folks.

Refusing to believe that animals can be or are sentient is the important factor that allows us to treat them as we do, it's unlikely that they will ever be afforded rights as such.

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Forumosaurus would appear to be aptly named, this view of animals is prehistoric but then he enjoys riling folks.

Refusing to believe that animals can be or are sentient is the important factor that allows us to treat them as we do, it's unlikely that they will ever be afforded rights as such.


Some vids demonstrating animal intelligence and personality, including ape sign language;


A whole list of clips on the BBC showing amazing animal intelligence



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...How different would it be if most animals had developed articulated limbs and hands, including opposable thumbs (all of a usable/practical proportion) ?


Would dogs try to strangle cats?

Would cats use swear gestures at each other?

Would hamsters pick their noses?


On a more serious note, would the use of hands, and the generations of experience with them eventually lead to an increase in animals learning, maybe leading to more species using "tools" ?


Would we be less of an apex-predator? Would the entire food chain be disrupted/re-arranged?


Would it alter the nature and frequency of onanaism.I would look to buy shares in glove factories and erotic fiction for squirrels.

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Absolute nonsense I'm afraid, the great apes are clearly very intelligent, they can conceptualise, they can empathise with each other, they can even empathise with other species, they have complex social structures. They are capable of a lot more than learning when they're going to be fed, that's ridiculous.


Its also nonsense about opposable thumbs as the primates also have them, its not exclusively a human trait.

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