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Israeli flag added to Star and Stripes

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does anyone in israel play the bongos?

Looking for jewish bongo player. must be able to cook that really nice chicken with paprika.

must have there own bongos and be able to keep a beat like mickey finn out of t.rex


also. where is bassman 62? he was going to sell rampent a bass amp. we are going to form a band where rampmat plays teh bass und ich, der bongonen.

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What do they say about "many a true word being spoken in jest"?


I'd say it was, that even though you would like to come up with a valid reason, to hate Jews, you cannot find one, without being laughed out of court.


in any civilised jurisdiction of course.

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does anyone in israel play the bongos?



seems like there's loads. Like I said on the other thread, the Israelis will let the good African musicians stay. They'll find wives or do anything else it takes. They'll let them stay. Israel has good regard for art.

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Much of the strife in both those parts of the world is caused by tribal differences and corruption.

How many stories come out of Africa about wars between one faction or another. Rwanda was a prime example.


Tribal differences and corruption that is cultivated by the west to keep the status quo. The differences between the Tutsis and the Hutus were deliberately increased/accentuated by the belgiums in a cruel social experiment that made them easier to control. Divide and conquer. It's still being masterfully implemented around the world, covertly, in the form of governmental aid/foreign aid, charities and NGOs.

It's ironic that these poverty cycles are sustained by the very people who are trying to do good.

But that's a different issue. The resource wealth and location of the middle east/Arabia would make them unstoppable if they ever unified. For this reason Israel is backed as it helps keep the region unstable as well as providing a market for all the cast offs from the US war machine.

US backing hasn't created any sort of peace in the last 60 years so maybe it's time to try a new approach.

Israel's existence is now firmly assured by its underground nuclear missile silos and soon to be active nuclear armed subs.

The threat from Iran is massively exaggerated by Israel and the US equally to suit their own political intentions and provide a welcome distraction from what both administrations are up to.

If Iran and Syria won't buy American, what if Israel, Egypt and the gulf states all bought Russian instead?

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seems like there's loads. Like I said on the other thread, the Israelis will let the good African musicians stay. They'll find wives or do anything else it takes. They'll let them stay. Israel has good regard for art.


Can we keep our basketball players too? Otherwise the average height just dropped to 5'9 again. :)

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The Zionist lobby's raison d'etre is to get treacherous US politicos to sacrifice US boys, treasure, national interests and Muslim civilians in Israel's National Interest, the last thing the Zionists would want is overt public recognition of the tail wagging the dog.

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No its most likely a double do da, thingy-ma-jigs, where someone wants you to think that they are trying to make you think one thing, while in fact they actually want you to think another ;)


Its like when people start on about the Islamic flag on St Paul's ect... :D

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seems like there's loads. Like I said on the other thread, the Israelis will let the good African musicians stay. They'll find wives or do anything else it takes. They'll let them stay. Israel has good regard for art.


they're not to fond of wagner:hihi:

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I'm reminded of the time Arafat plumped a 50 agorot piece on the table in front of a bemused international press conference, and tried to persuade them that the design/picture of the coin signified that the Israelis wanted Nile-to-Euphrates, for keeps.


a bit like the Israeli flag itself. The main design recalls the Jewish prayer shawl, but that doesn't stop the degenerate antisemites from claiming that the Star of David in the middle of the design, signifies in some sinister way, the notion of the undefined hidden necessity of Jewish sovereignty over the whole area, from Egypt to Iraq.


If the above statement by Arafat (that zionist extremists want a jewish state stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates) is only a rumour, why on earth did you have to bring it up now?


Why didn't you try to debunk another allegation such as, I don't know, Jews eat gentile babies?


The fact is, Israel has not even defined her own borders yet.


Whyever not?


Please tell us why Israel hasn't publically defined where her own borders are, if only to reassure us that Israel really doesn't want to take over all the Middle East between Egypt and Iraq?

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