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Israeli flag added to Star and Stripes

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Harleyman, once again you just don't know, that the USA didn't become a firm ally of Israel, before 1967.


tounge in cheek, it took Israel's accidental near-sinking of a United States warship in the Mediterreanean, the USS Liberty, to get them onside.


after that, the USA have been selling Israel more or less anything they want. But before 1967, no not same way. USA was not firm ally of Israel before 1967, that it later became.

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Harleyman, once again you just don't know, that the USA didn't become a firm ally of Israel, before 1967.


tounge in cheek, it took Israel's accidental near-sinking of a United States warship in the Mediterreanean, the USS Liberty, to get them onside.


after that, the USA have been selling Israel more or less anything they want. But before 1967, no not same way. USA was not firm ally of Israel before 1967, that it later became.


US-Arab relations reached an all time high after the Suez crisis in the mid 1950s. The part Israel played in that little war probably didnt help improve relations with it's Arab neighbours either.


I remember that the US agreed to finance Egyptian leader Nasser's plan to construct the Aswan dam but somerthing went sour after that and the Russians ended up paying for it. Bit hazy on the details there I must admit.


In all reality I cant see the US ever being an honest broker between Israel and the Palestinians. The American leaders might in all sincerity wish they could be but it's always the Jewish vote that interferes with everything in the end.

Obama needed the guts to stand up to Netanyahou's policy of building Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory but the guts werent there and instead there's always one eye fixed on how everything "plays out" with the Jewish vote in America.


It's this kind of situation that impedes any possible real progress towards a permamnent settlement


If the Arab-American population was the same size as the Jewish-American population and the Jewish-American population as small as the current Arab-American population then everything would be the other way round.


Kind of make you laugh or maybe I'm just a natural cycnic

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I thought this was a joke at first but apparently its true,im sure most people know the US is the Jewish states biggest supporter and backer but isn't this taking it too far?




goes to show how when a minority gain too much power they begin to impose their views and ideology on the majority.


where else can this be happening too :huh:

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US-Arab relations reached an all time high after the Suez crisis in the mid 1950s. The part Israel played in that little war probably didnt help improve relations with it's Arab neighbours either.


I remember that the US agreed to finance Egyptian leader Nasser's plan to construct the Aswan dam but somerthing went sour after that and the Russians ended up paying for it. Bit hazy on the details there I must admit.


In all reality I cant see the US ever being an honest broker between Israel and the Palestinians. The American leaders might in all sincerity wish they could be but it's always the Jewish vote that interferes with everything in the end.

Obama needed the guts to stand up to Netanyahou's policy of building Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory but the guts werent there and instead there's always one eye fixed on how everything "plays out" with the Jewish vote in America.


It's this kind of situation that impedes any possible real progress towards a permamnent settlement


If the Arab-American population was the same size as the Jewish-American population and the Jewish-American population as small as the current Arab-American population then everything would be the other way round.


Kind of make you laugh or maybe I'm just a natural cycnic



How can that be right when the Jews number less than 2% of the population? of course its the Jews money that buys influence and of course they make up a very significant percentage of American millionaires.

One thing I will agree on is that the USA can and will never be a honest broker in the middle east and Israel,sooner or later the people are going to wake up to how the Jews control things and then it will get interesting.

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this one needs to be put to bed.


the Jewish vote is not especially important in especially American elections.


the main reason for this, is that everybody knows anyway, how Jewish Americans are going to vote, before there's even any election. I know for example that Jewish Americans will vote overwhelmingly for Obama in November, just like they did not only for him, last time, but for Kerry before him and for Gore before that.


Jewish American voters are almost always overwhelmingly Democratic, especially in the Presidential elections, with little variation, and always have been stretching back many decades. Apart from blacks, Jewish Americans vote for Democratic candidates, more overwhelmingly than any other group.


unlike blacks Jewish voters aren't really a factor in any of the swing states, except, possibly, Florida. Even though their turnout is high, there's just not enough of them, to really swing any state.


the irony is of course that the Arab American vote is about the same size, in the United States, as the Jewish American one. They vote differently to Jewish Americans, more volatile electorate but much more Republican at local level, and in the 2000 election, most of them voted for Bush, and not Gore. Had Arab Americans voted in the same way that Jewish Americans did, Bush would have lost, and not become president.

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How can that be right when the Jews number less than 2% of the population? of course its the Jews money that buys influence and of course they make up a very significant percentage of American millionaires.

One thing I will agree on is that the USA can and will never be a honest broker in the middle east and Israel,sooner or later the people are going to wake up to how the Jews control things and then it will get interesting.


Interesting in what way? Americans respect people who are successful and make money and the Jews just happen to be slightly more gifted and intelligent in most ways than the rest of us whether we choose to believe it or not.


Americans aspire to raise themselves to the level of those already successful not to bring down the successful to their own particular level. That's the difference between them and the Europeans.

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Interesting in what way? Americans respect people who are successful and make money and the Jews just happen to be slightly more gifted and intelligent in most ways than the rest of us whether we choose to believe it or not.


Americans aspire to raise themselves to the level of those already successful not to bring down the successful to their own particular level. That's the difference between them and the Europeans.


While that may be true it's a different matter when it comes to Jews "americans" kinda resent them. Ever heard of the Jew claw?


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Interesting in what way? Americans respect people who are successful and make money and the Jews just happen to be slightly more gifted and intelligent in most ways than the rest of us whether we choose to believe it or not.


Americans aspire to raise themselves to the level of those already successful not to bring down the successful to their own particular level. That's the difference between them and the Europeans.


I reckon it's an Anglo-French oddity. Not a European one. But you are right Americans seem to strive for wealth and view that as the only measure of success. Whereas Brits make a point of belittling and sniping about anyone who is wealthier or more successful than themselves.

Yanks build people up, Brits knock them down and take the p*ss. Maybe it's a small island mentality from a population under the control of a foreign nobility/aristocracy.

It's a sad fact but it makes for better comedy and sense of humour IMO.


While that may be true it's a different matter when it comes to Jews "americans" kinda resent them. Ever heard of the Jew claw?



Or this from borat :hihi:


Maybe it's just the wealthy or social climbers that like respect the Jews :)

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Harleyman, once again you just don't know, that the USA didn't become a firm ally of Israel, before 1967.


tounge in cheek, it took Israel's accidental near-sinking of a United States warship in the Mediterreanean, the USS Liberty, to get them onside.


after that, the USA have been selling Israel more or less anything they want. But before 1967, no not same way. USA was not firm ally of Israel before 1967, that it later became.

At the time of the Suez crisis in the fifties, when Kemal Abdul Nasser insisted the Suez Canal was his, Britain, France, and Israel joined forces in an armed action to secure the canal. I was aboard HMS Albion at the time, and my squadron was flying fighter bombers in support of the Parachute Regiment in the desert. We were suddenly warned by the Eisenhower Administration that we were to cease and desist, or face the consequences. The French stopped at once, we reluctantly stopped too, but the Israelis were hell bent on continuing. That canal was blocked for a long time, creating the super tanker that could carry a lot more oil round the cape instead of the canal, but to Israel it was life. I don't know why Ike disapproved, I think he said it was a threat to world peace but I'm not sure. If he said it he was wrong, but it damaged the relationship to an extent that the RN never quite forgave him.
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