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Apparently we're not in recession some people on here have said

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If anyone saw Chloe Smith on Newsnight being taken apart by Jeremy Paxman


and then


Last nights Conservative representative on Newsnight, being equally ripped apart by David Dimbleby could see the root of the problem


The new breed of conservative polititians were taken apart in the same way Jeremy Kyle browbeats a drug addict every morning at 9.30am during his show. At least Jeremy is taking on a druggie with low intellect, both Jeremy Paxman and David Dimbleby were taking on a pair of ministers in power.


Last weeks labour representative did not stir much confidence in the ability of the opposition.


I accept your modern polititian is better looking than Norman Tebbit, Neil Kinnock, Mrs Thatcher and Nigel Lawson, but right now we need people picked for their ability, and not the fact they are under 35 and nice to look at.


But none seem to have a clue what to do to improve things apart from saying "well we inherited a mess in 2010"


They said on the radio the morning after that Osborne (Goebbels) had sent his junior into the studio because he didn't want to cop the flack over the planned raise in fuel duty which has been postoned until January.

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Once there are more houses than people want to buy, the price will drop and all the crap ones would eventually be demolished, housing would once again be affordable leaving more money to spend on other things. When people are forced to spend most of their income on housing it leaves less to spend in the economy.


I couldn't agree more with this.


Expensive, scarce housing is at the core of our problems. No party will deflate the bubble though. It would upset Daily Mail readers if their houses went down in value, their unearned wealth eroded.


For us to recover the people who bought houses way beyond their reach have to suffer. Either they see the value of their home eroded as new build happens. Or they are finished off before that by interest rate rises.


Expensive housing is the biggest drag on our economy.

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I couldn't agree more with this.


Expensive, scarce housing is at the core of our problems. No party will deflate the bubble though. It would upset Daily Mail readers if their houses went down in value, their unearned wealth eroded.


For us to recover the people who bought houses way beyond their reach have to suffer. Either they see the value of their home eroded as new build happens. Or they are finished off before that by interest rate rises.


Expensive housing is the biggest drag on our economy.


And the bigger the population the more expensive it will become.

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Saving is normally encouraged as it allows people to survive unexpected changes in the future without resorting to state assistance.

It's also the only means of buying large ticket items apart from borrowing of course.


So what is hoarding, is it having 300k in the bank, that's only enough to buy a fairly nice house in Sheffield, 500k? That's enough to buy a very nice house... More? Whatever number you choose it's entirely arbitrary.


Well, if I had my way, we'd rip it up and start again.


But if we are talking about reforming then an amount equivalent to the national average wage per taxpayer per year.


Everyone would be a taxpayer and everyone would be on PAYE.


The accountancy proffession would be nationalised and everyone would have one (like a doctor). They would all work for the government and we wouldn't have a choice who we got, and it wouldn't matter as they would all work to the same non negotiable rules - it would just be the "local accountant".


We could still invest our spare money but only in approved schemes. It wouldn't be complicated because the options would be strictly limited.


Of course companies could still employ people who were qualified in accountancy, but they would in effect be nothing more than financial managers overseeing the preparation of the correct figures to be presented to the "local accountant".


Individuals who earn large salaries would still be able to spend it on whatever goods they desire - but not on additional property - one property per taxpayer. The rich could still have their luxuries but they would not be allowed to use their wealth to make themselves even richer.


I accept there would be a lot of out of work financial advisors, but if they were any good they could retrain as government accountants.


It would follow that with all earnings being accounted for, the tax rates would fall and we'd all be a lot happier.

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They said on the radio the morning after that Osborne (Goebbels) had sent his junior into the studio because he didn't want to cop the flack over the planned raise in fuel duty which has been postoned until January.


Oh do be fair! The honourable member for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu is one of Cameron's paratroops!


I do hope you're not suggesting that Cameron's crack paratroop regiment are wimps!

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If anyone saw Chloe Smith on Newsnight being taken apart by Jeremy Paxman


and then


Last nights Conservative representative on Newsnight, being equally ripped apart by David Dimbleby could see the root of the problem


The new breed of conservative polititians were taken apart in the same way Jeremy Kyle browbeats a drug addict every morning at 9.30am during his show. At least Jeremy is taking on a druggie with low intellect, both Jeremy Paxman and David Dimbleby were taking on a pair of ministers in power.


Last weeks labour representative did not stir much confidence in the ability of the opposition.


I accept your modern polititian is better looking than Norman Tebbit, Neil Kinnock, Mrs Thatcher and Nigel Lawson, but right now we need people picked for their ability, and not the fact they are under 35 and nice to look at.


But none seem to have a clue what to do to improve things apart from saying "well we inherited a mess in 2010"


Good post. Nothing better than a minister squirm. Worth remembering paxo isn't an economist either, just better prepared than ms smith. She should know this stuff or her researchers should. Aren't we paying top dollar to get the "best" ?


That said I think those who want/should climb into bed waiting for labour led coalition in a few years time will be equally disappointed. They are as bad as each other. In this day and age anyone waiting for deliverance from either political party is deluded.


One final point about Politicians looks. Louise mensch ? I would ;).

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Good post. Nothing better than a minister squirm. Worth remembering paxo isn't an economist either, just better prepared than ms smith. She should know this stuff or her researchers should. Aren't we paying top dollar to get the "best" ?


That said I think those who want/should climb into bed waiting for labour led coalition in a few years time will be equally disappointed. They are as bad as each other. In this day and age anyone waiting for deliverance from either political party is deluded.


One final point about Politicians looks. Louise mensch ? I would ;).


She was never the same after she left The Sugarbabes.

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...The accountancy proffession would be nationalised and everyone would have one (like a doctor). They would all work for the government and we wouldn't have a choice who we got, and it wouldn't matter as they would all work to the same non negotiable rules - it would just be the "local accountant".


We could still invest our spare money but only in approved schemes. It wouldn't be complicated because the options would be strictly limited.


Of course companies could still employ people who were qualified in accountancy, but they would in effect be nothing more than financial managers overseeing the preparation of the correct figures to be presented to the "local accountant".


Individuals who earn large salaries would still be able to spend it on whatever goods they desire - but not on additional property - one property per taxpayer. The rich could still have their luxuries but they would not be allowed to use their wealth to make themselves even richer.


I accept there would be a lot of out of work financial advisors, but if they were any good they could retrain as government accountants.


It would follow that with all earnings being accounted for, the tax rates would fall and we'd all be a lot happier.


It might work ... but what would happen if those accountants (and the people who employ them) decided to take their ball (or their other toys) and go and play elsewhere?


Where did Dyson take his ball (along with all the jobs)?


(I must admit, I'm surprised that the ball vacuum was such a success ... it's a bit too vigorous for me. ;))


Where does 'Boots the Chemist' have its accountancy department?


Where do 'British Steel' (or whatever they are called nowadays) make most of their product?

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