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Harassed by debt collector by email for a £25 ebay debt

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I can't personally believe your happy to fight this war over £25 or £15 in the first instance it really isn't worth it.


Ebay can be unfair and unreasonable and yes it does side with buyers alot of the time but if you aren't willing to play the win some lose some game you should cancel your ebay account and not use it again.


The only "Mug" here is yourself because eventually you will pay this charge wether its 12 months down the line or 12 years down the line it isn't completely avoidable just stop being a mug and pay the charge.


A lot of them if you study them they are the same

firms just a different department or branch who they think might look a bit more threatening like as though you have been past on on to someone else who is a bit harder than them and might have a better chance of putting the wind up you,all their tactics are just old hat they work on percentages make 100 calls and there is bound to be one or two mugs that will fall for it and pay.

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... The only "Mug" here is yourself because eventually you will pay this charge wether its 12 months down the line or 12 years down the line it isn't completely avoidable just stop being a mug and pay the charge.
I don't think he will, you know. Eventually they give up and go away. Because they don't really have a leg to stand on.


Why do you think they don't actually go to court with these things? Because they know they'll lose, is why.

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I think the op should just cut the crap and pay it, it isn't worth all the letters etc for £25?



I don't think he will, you know. Eventually they give up and go away. Because they don't really have a leg to stand on.


Why do you think they don't actually go to court with these things? Because they know they'll lose, is why.

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I think the op should just cut the crap and pay it, it isn't worth all the letters etc for £25?


25 quid could feed a family for a week, run a car for a week..maybe two.


Set emails to go to junk and ignore.

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This is a new one on me the well known ebay debt collectors (SF protocol says we can not mention) have been on my case for a £25 debt that they say I owe it was actually a £15 dispute on Ebay that I refused to pay, but they have added there costs on top they have bombarded me with phone calls for the last few months then sent no end of letters and texts to my mobile now they are sending me email threats,they don't bother me one bit as I have dealt with these kind of people before so I know the ropes when it comes to dealing with them but it is just the desperation and lowness that these scum ball firms will stoop to that gets me mad they are nothing but maggots,it is about time some kind of laws or tougher legislation was brought in to deal with these company's the way they sell debts to each other and chase for money and harass people is getting out of order.


Just tell them to shove it where the sun dont shine. They are nothing more than beggars harrassing you for money . Ive had around 6 of these companys chasing me for an unpaid £50 E-Bay bill for the past year. All they do is ring and send the old threatening letters for a few weeks, then when they get no joy from you ,they just sell it on to another scummy debt collection company who do the same , threaten you will baliffs and all sorts ,but its all hot air and empty threats , and so on and so on . These companys dont have a leg to stand on ,and we all know they cannot get any money from you should you refuse to pay. Just ignore them.

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I got one of them parking ones my wife's car broke down one morning so she took my van as staff they obviously get parking permits where she works,not being her vehicle they did not have the reg so the parking company stuck a ticket on it £85 they wanted I just ignored it they sent me allsorts of letters threatening my demise now I have been past on to some big hitting fancy sounding bunch of shysters from London they say they are coming to do a door step collection:o:hihi:


you wont be laughing when they have taken your doorstep away :hihi:

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