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Petition Government for a Public Enquiry on Banking.

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Ann Pettifor, director of thinktank Prime, has put a petition on the Number 10 website calling for a Leveson-style inquiry into the behaviour of banks. If it gets 100,000 signatures it could be debated in the House of Commons. Pettifor's petition states: "We the undersigned call for an independent, judicial public enquiry into fraud, wrongdoing and ethics of British banks, their management and their staff, and the role of the British Bankers Association. The terms of reference of this inquiry should also include the manipulation of interest rates on about £225 trillion of assets. The inquiry must have full powers to compel witnesses to appear on oath, and to obtain all forms of evidence."


Pettifor says she posted the petition after seeing "a Twitter storm" following the announcement of the Barclays fine. She said: "Mervyn King has called for an inquiry into the way RBS has handled the problems with its computer system, but he hasn't once called for an inquiry into the financial crisis." To sign the petition, which closes on 29 September, go to the page on the Number 10 website.



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Dosnt matter what you do, the banks own the government, The government are basically a board of directors for the Crown corporation. Every few years we get another group of directors in to manage the company.


The Crown Corporation has shareholders.


Some names you are familiar with.


Warburg, Shiff, Peso, Saxa-coburg-gotha, Windsor etc...


Im waiting for the economy to crash then we'll clear the lot of em out!

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Mervyn has kicked-off today about the lack of accountability of the banks. Seems the general public really aren't that bothered. The indoctrination over the last 30-odd years seems to have done the trick.



The fluoride in the water supply works a treat dosn't it.



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I'm hoping Bob Diamond will be extradited to the States to answer questions.


They don't muck about over there. None of the respectful fawning deferance you see over here. They go for the throat and don't let go until there's blood on the ground.


That's why their bankers have gone to jail, while ours have got knighthoods...

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I'm hoping Bob Diamond will be extradited to the States to answer questions.


They don't muck about over there. None of the respectful fawning deferance you see over here. They go for the throat and don't let go until there's blood on the ground.


That's why their bankers have gone to jail, while ours have got knighthoods...


Yes they really know how to punish wrong doers. Look at how they went to town on Galloway.


And they're not messing around with Assange either. We should send everyone over there. That amazing spectre of a country, if only we could be more like them :gag:


If diamond manages to crash and stall Barclays and the British economy he's more likely to receive a hero's welcome when he gets back.

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So we have another Levenson-style enquiry. It drags on for months. It costs millions. It makes lawyers (and the dozens of hangers-on seen in the background) rich. Those appearing lie through their teeth. They (the banks) get a slap on the wrist (a huge fine which they immediately pass on to their customers.) MPs drone on about 'lessons have been learned', 'time to draw a line in the sand', 'time to move on'. Labour spout about how they would have 'done things differently' (even though they're up to their eyes in it).


And they get away with it.



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Please note, id like to see a Criminal Public Inquiry......its obvious why Mervyn doesnt want one, or the banks or regulators, they dont want the British Public to see their dirty laundry and how they treat them or their pension funds.


The cost wouldnt even be 1% of what the banks have cost us already.


Dothing nothing isnt an option when they are still taking billions of us every month.

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