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Petition Government for a Public Enquiry on Banking.

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Am watching Bob Diamond at Parliamentary Banking enquiry.


It's all rather polite and deferential, they're all on first name terms, very cosy.


Pathetic actually. The guy is going to get away with it big time, running rings round them.


I watched the American equivalent a while back. What a difference! Table thumping, shouting, 'answer the question! answer the question!' They made mincemeat of them and sent them to jail.


It's no wonder none of ours have been prosecuted.


At PM's Question time in house of commons today, Milliband suggested a provisional enquiry to report at Christmas, covering this latest scandal, as the start of a longer more in depth enquiry into the whole banking sector and the crash.


Needless to say Cameron turned that option down.


This so needs a proper Public enquiry!


Yeah, I've watched a bit and he's running rings around his 'inquisitors'. (Who are these people and they've hardly had time to prepare for this case - 2 days?)


I'm expecting one of these failed politicans to use the old 'The buck stops with you' argument. That wouldn't be fair as Barclays employ many thousands of staff and Diamond can hardly be expected to be on top of every facet of Barclays.


Having said that, most of Diamond's replies are pretty weasel - 'I wouldn't have thought so' and 'to the best of my recollection.'


Hang him.

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Yeah, I've watched a bit and he's running rings around his 'inquisitors'. (Who are these people and they've hardly had time to prepare for this case - 2 days?)


I'm expecting one of these failed politicans to use the old 'The buck stops with you' argument. That wouldn't be fair as Barclays employ many thousands of staff and Diamond can hardly be expected to be on top of every facet of Barclays.


Having said that, most of Diamond's replies are pretty weasel - 'I wouldn't have thought so' and 'to the best of my recollection.'


Hang him.


Bob Diamond got £20 million just in bonuses last year, never mind salary. For that money I expect him to be on top of EVERYTHING. "We have tp pay top rates so we can recruit the best..." remember.

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I think George Osborne has possibly lost the plot.


He is specifically targeting Ed Balls, saying that he is implicated in the Libor fixing.


If that is so then surely Ed Balls needs to be up in front of a judge, not investigated by his peers in parliament. Why on earth would the Tories not want that? Labour seem up for it.


I think the Tories know that their connections with the city would be laid bare in any independent enquiry. And they know that Labour will use any prolonged enquiry as deck-clearing in the run-up to the next election.


If this is so serious and Osborne so insistent that Balls is involved then a parliamentry enquiry is absolutely not the right thing.

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Osborne has played his hand far too quickly for a so-called strategist. And i actually think he might have the wrong person (and im certainly no defender of Balls normally).


I actually think this is Gordon, through Shriti Vadera. Im not sure if you have read either Darlings biog or End of the Party by Andrew Rawnsley, but both mention several times in detail, that Gordon, was getting daily feedback of the Treasury side of the crisis from Shriti. She would report back to him from her daily meetings/phone calls with all the main players. Diamond today mentioned that Varley had calls with her a few times.


Gordon could actually have told Shriti to tell Barclays to lower the Libor rate. Oh my jolly days!!!!


Why are the Tories not allowing a proper inquiry? 6 out of 13 of the MP's in the Treasury Committee today, were ordered to pay back expenses. And these morons think that we think its right & proper for them to deal with this scandal!!!!


A judicial public inquiry is the only way forward.

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Osborne has played his hand far too quickly for a so-called strategist. And i actually think he might have the wrong person (and im certainly no defender of Balls normally).


I actually think this is Gordon, through Shriti Vadera. Im not sure if you have read either Darlings biog or End of the Party by Andrew Rawnsley, but both mention several times in detail, that Gordon, was getting daily feedback of the Treasury side of the crisis from Shriti. She would report back to him from her daily meetings/phone calls with all the main players. Diamond today mentioned that Varley had calls with her a few times.


Gordon could actually have told Shriti to tell Barclays to lower the Libor rate. Oh my jolly days!!!!


Why are the Tories not allowing a proper inquiry? 6 out of 13 of the MP's in the Treasury Committee today, were ordered to pay back expenses. And these morons think that we think its right & proper for them to deal with this scandal!!!!


A judicial public inquiry is the only way forward.


I think Osborn has his back is to the wall and we will find out why soon enough.


Put simply, the Libor manipulation benefitted the Tories. It kept their main corporate supporters and benefactors in the city in business. The Tories could not have not known about if it was happening. Of the 20 banks potentially involved if there was coordinated politically-driven Libor fixing it is inconcievable that given the saturation of the city with Tory-supporting bankers that the Tories could not have known about it.


But then given what I have just stated the Libor fixing would have required a coordinated effort amonst multiple banks. Is it concievable that they worked together, under Treasury direction, and that was kept a secret for years. It doesn't hold up. Barclays could not have manipulated the rate alone.


Osborne is slinging mud. Something smells. We need a judicial enquiry or the police to sort it out. My feeling this is going to wind back to 2008 and we'll find out who was really involved behind the scenes. I don't think it will be Ed Balls. Brown maybe, in a very misguided attempt to prevent a meltdown.

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But who's to say the judiciary aren't corrupt too ? They haven't exactly supported Julian Assange's human rights lately , yet Abu Hamza is allowed to stay here ? Don't trust anyone in any position of power , why don't we just abandon mainstream banks en masse ? Any decent bank staff can just apply for jobs in more ethical banks , which hopefully will continue to grow in popularity .


Maybe we don't need any kind of enquiry . If we just look at the power we all hold in our hands we can change things peacefully and quietly- we already know that mainstream banks are bent in one way or another , so move your money - it's not as difficult as some people would have sheepies believe .

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It all worked OK until Brown got in. I think you have to look carefully at some of the things he did before blaming anyone else.


it doesn't matter it has been done now, we spend too much time in the uk looking into what has gone wrong and wasting money into enquires instead of just fixing the problems that exist.

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it doesn't matter it has been done now, we spend too much time in the uk looking into what has gone wrong and wasting money into enquires instead of just fixing the problems that exist.


In this country we have corrupt politicians, media, police, bankers, corporations, also some of the judiciary like you say. For crying out load even the Church of England had christians who were in an act of prayer cleared off the steps of St Pauls.


This is how it has to pan out - the party that recognises just how quickly the public is getting fed up and then acknowledges the problems is the one that will win out. Even if it means airing lots of dirty washing in public to go through that cleansing process.


Labour seems to show some appetite for facing up to its mistakes. The LibDems too have now made some really serious errors and they will be keen to clear things up for themselves. There is only one party that has a vested interest in keeping things the same but keeping things the same is not an option any more - it's why they are pooping themselves.

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