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Protest is essential. We are all at risk!

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Would you like the executive board of Barclays Capital running your local hospital? Would you be happy if Rupert Murdoch was running the school your children go to? How would you feel if an elderly relative of yours was in a care home run by these people?


Well, that is exactly what is taking place. Neoliberals are not interested in you or your family. They are looking to profit from you and then to offshore all those profits to avoid paying tax. Less tax meens poorer schools, bancrupt NHS trusts, care homes in crisis. And once big business has taken over such institutions they will not provide the services they promise, because that would harm their profits.


It is essential that we all understand the agenda that the neoliberal coalition is forming into policy. It must be challenged by each and every one of us before it's too late.

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Would you like the executive board of Barclays Capital running your local hospital? Would you be happy if Rupert Murdoch was running the school your children go to? How would you feel if an elderly relative of yours was in a care home run by these people?


Well, that is exactly what is taking place. Neoliberals are not interested in you or your family. They are looking to profit from you and then to offshore all those profits to avoid paying tax. Less tax meens poorer schools, bancrupt NHS trusts, care homes in crisis. And once big business has taken over such institutions they will not provide the services they promise, because that would harm their profits.


It is essential that we all understand the agenda that the neoliberal coalition is forming into policy. It must be challenged by each and every one of us before it's too late.


It's almost too late. And when the few people on here that are under the impression that they are worth a bob or two realise that it's all gone to fund the superrich, then they'll have something to say but it'll be too late then - you'll never get your hard-earned back, just like the banks' balances.


At the moment, they are laughing, as they want to believe the ConDem spin that the 'scrounging poor' are going to be the hardest hit, when in fact, they don't have a deal to lose. It will be the middle classes that totally disappear as we go back to Lords and peasants.

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Would you like the executive board of Barclays Capital running your local hospital? Would you be happy if Rupert Murdoch was running the school your children go to? How would you feel if an elderly relative of yours was in a care home run by these people?



Of course, the people who run hospitals and schools are doing such a bang up job aren't they? Sheffield schools 131st out of 150 and the NHS killing more than 30,000 people a year with blood clots alone. That's before they start starving the patients to death. Then there are the hospital trusts going bust because of stupidly expensive Labour PFI schemes. I don't see anybody protesting about that. :roll:

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Would you like the executive board of Barclays Capital running your local hospital? Would you be happy if Rupert Murdoch was running the school your children go to? How would you feel if an elderly relative of yours was in a care home run by these people?


Well, that is exactly what is taking place. Neoliberals are not interested in you or your family. They are looking to profit from you and then to offshore all those profits to avoid paying tax. Less tax meens poorer schools, bancrupt NHS trusts, care homes in crisis. And once big business has taken over such institutions they will not provide the services they promise, because that would harm their profits.


It is essential that we all understand the agenda that the neoliberal coalition is forming into policy. It must be challenged by each and every one of us before it's too late.


How old are you ? This is nothing new, it has not just come about under the current government, you are just becoming aware of what goes on, because of the financial crisis. Everyone is on the make, that's how businesses and politics work, the world thrives on hype and bull. Show me anyone making money without fiddling, bankers, governments, industrialists, local councils, public services, your local plumber ...... look at the people greasing each others palms, ripping each other off, overcharging and under-performing.

It's dog eat dog out there, everyone is in it for themselves regardless of political flavour, how can I get more, how quick can I get it and how little can I get away with doing ..... gimme, gimme, gimme. The brown nosers and the yes men climb those ladders faster than the hardworking and honest.

Get used to it, that's the way it is !

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Would you like the executive board of Barclays Capital running your local hospital? Would you be happy if Rupert Murdoch was running the school your children go to? How would you feel if an elderly relative of yours was in a care home run by these people?


Well, that is exactly what is taking place. Neoliberals are not interested in you or your family. They are looking to profit from you and then to offshore all those profits to avoid paying tax. Less tax meens poorer schools, bancrupt NHS trusts, care homes in crisis. And once big business has taken over such institutions they will not provide the services they promise, because that would harm their profits.


It is essential that we all understand the agenda that the neoliberal coalition is forming into policy. It must be challenged by each and every one of us before it's too late.


Believe it or not Cameron is set to offer one of the Vice Chair of Barclays a senior role in the NHS, (commissioning role). :loopy:


This comes on top of Baron Freud given a role as welfare adviser (by previous administration) and Sir Philip Green's role as spending advisor (the one who aggressively avoided £300m tax bill).


Still it isn't like the public sector had to bail out the private sector 4 years ago. The British Establishment is like a revolving door from cabinet office to boardroom and back again. I suppose politicians will need a nice high paying job to go to when they've been kicked out by the electorate....

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