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Why does it cost £38,000 a year for one inmate in a prison

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Let's just get rid of prisons, and introduce THUNDERDOME!!!!

Or running man, either way.


Our government couldn't organise the squits with a pack of laxatives.


I can see it now...


1 man enter. 2 man leave! The prisons would be empty in a month.

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Do you have to pay for guards, equipment, building maintenance, transport to/from court, medical staff and who knows how many other costs?


There's pobably a breakdown online somewhere.


Aaaand there's also all the pampering as we have to treat the scum nicely... if we don't its a breach of their human rights and they claim legal aid to obtain £600,000 in compensation from the tax payer, whilst the victim or victims receive absolutely sod all.... that sherriff in Arizona has the balls to stand up to these prats, pink underwear all round, the history channel and the god channel and if they don't like it he simply states, we didn't ask you to come here, if you don''t like it don't come back' - the man is a legend


You have to allow for all those totally useless programmes that apparently help them adjust back into society... so they have the skills to mug another old lady..... its about time we stopped pandering to their whims and took them back to how it used to be, maybe then there would be reduced crime, but then again the dogooders wouldn't allow that would they????

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I would assume they divide the cost of the whole prison system by the number of inmates and that's how they get the cost of 'each inmate' 'per year'.


I doubt sticking someone in jail for a year would debit the Government 38k.


It's probably the whole cost of everything i.e Prison maintenance, staff salaries, food, medical stuff, heating, electric, admin, divided by the number of prisoners.

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I would assume they divide the cost of the whole prison system by the number of inmates and that's how they get the cost of 'each inmate' 'per year'.


I doubt sticking someone in jail for a year would debit the Government 38k.


It's probably the whole cost of everything i.e Prison maintenance, staff salaries, food, medical stuff, heating, electric, admin, divided by the number of prisoners.


Official figures below.


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