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Should smoking be allowed at indoor swimming baths?

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Guest sibon

Don't forget the tinfoil coating of the baths, to prevent the reporting of the lizard people.


Lizards love to swim.

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There are huge chunks of this forum which I (and probably others) ignore completely and have never visited. Then again, I am sure that there are many forum members who never visit the parts I do frequent from time to time.


I've seen a number of posts by moderators warning posters that the forum is a place to discuss things (and not a place for idle chit-chat.) They have their rules (the rules imposed upon them by those who own the forum) and no doubt they do their best to moderate the forum in accordance with the spirit of the rules set by the owners. - If you, I or anybody else don't like those rules, then we are free to go elsewhere.


As far as people responding to posts goes, I suspect that there are a number of variables. In my own case, I've been a member of this forum for about 2½ years, during which I've made about 7500 posts. Those posts have not been spaced evenly, however - for a number of reasons.


I may be active on the forum for a week or two - or even a month or two - nearly every day and then be away for weeks (or even months) for various reasons. (I haven't had regular internet access during the past month or so and when I did manage to get internet access, I had things to do.) I've no doubt that (perhaps) many people have posted replies to my posts which I haven't responded to and the reason for that would usually be that I wasn't active for a period of time after those people posted and by the time (or even if) I did see those posts, they were 'yesterday's news.'


There are some thread titles in the sections I tend to look at on this forum which 'turn me off' - As soon as I see the thread title I ignore it, because I'm not interested (or strongly suspect I would not be interested) in the subject matter.


(I replied to this thread out of curiosity ... I don't usually 'take the bait' in threads about smoking - the topic has, IMO, been 'done to death' already.)


I find it difficult to compare discussions/debates on the internet with discussions/debates in the pub or at some other social gathering.


If you are in a group debating/discussing something in a pub, then - although that group may be willing to allow outsiders to join the conversation, the rules and morés are fairly strict and are generally well-understood. The newcomer to the conversation does NOT just barge in and would be expected to listen to what was being said before voicing an opinion.


It's not like that in a forum discussion. Anybody may join and although there are clearly-defined 'netiquette' standards (the 'terms of reference' is a good starting point) those standards are often ignored.


In a debate/conversation in a pub or at another social gathering, most people tend to be polite to the others and a rude or otherwise welcome entrant can easily be dissuaded.


In a forum debate/conversation anybody can join, people tend to be less sensitive to the feelings of others and if you don't like one of the posters, you can either leave the conversation yourself or ignore that poster. - It's unlikely that you would be able to 'cold shoulder' the poster to such an extent that he/she would leave.


I've no doubt that there are some posters who will 'rise to the bait' every time. There are some posters who are flippant and there are also some posters who will always try to be serious all of the time.


There are others who are quite happy to argue either side (or indeed both sides in the same thread) of a topic.


Both (social/pub debates and forum debates) have their advantages and disadvantages. Caveat emptor (fortunately, 'emptor' doesn't have to pay much. :hihi:)

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Both (social/pub debates and forum debates) have their advantages and disadvantages. Caveat emptor (fortunately, 'emptor' doesn't have to pay much. :hihi:)


Thank you, I enjoyed that long post and even ploughed through it all.


I agree that internet debate is a different animal from face to face debate with people you know. What interests me is the underlying reasons why people take part at all when they don't know the other contributors from Adam. That wouldn't happen in real life - no unconnected group of people would come together in a public space and start a debate on something. Writing to a newspaper or Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park is about the nearest thing to it I guess.


I suppose people who join discussion forums are either bored, lonely or supremely confident that their view needs to be spread round the world.


Can't decide which one I am.

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Surely it's the OP's fault for not putting a title relevant to the topic or when the title contains inaccuracies.


Surely what is OP's fault?


The fact that a discussion arises? Or what?


Ironically, you're not making yourself very clear!

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An obvious fire hazard would be all the hydrogen in the tons of H2O there! Actually, I'm just being silly, that's not the point of this thread. Every so often I see posts that appear to be in reply to the topic title, with no actual relevance to the topic and the opening post itself. It seems that some people respond to certain suggestions in the title without actually reading what the thread starter is asking or commenting on.


That's why I started this thread, to see if any, or how many, would react to the thread title and not bother reading the OP, especially if it looks boring. There's a good chance the thread will be removed but I'd like to see it stay for a day or two at least, as a little social experiment or something. Maybe there's something to be discussed about the type of person who responds to titles like this, or the power of suggestion itself,


I don't know!:confused::D


I also find the title often has little relevance to the OP and it’s not always easy to figure out if the op wants you to respond to the title or the OP.


Getting back to the title wouldn’t your cigarette go out if you are swimming?


And if they could smoke whilst swimming I’d be more worried about the

coming to the service. :D
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