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Olympic Torch procession. Who are these people?

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I believe it's spelt "faeces" , actually . Thankyou so much for lowering the tone of this thread whilst contributing ,er , nothing ! I'm with Brin on this one , we are rapidly becoming the most surveilled country in the world .


I know someone who's an animal lover , but who held back from signing a petition on some animal cruelty because they were afraid their name would end up on a list of "animal rights protesters" somewhere with implications for the future - so much for freedom of speech in this country !


Found LOCOG's handling of the torch bearers in Sheffield quite overbearing , no obvious evidence that they had done any research into particularly popular or worthy local torchbearers , and police shipped in from other areas who couldn't provide any information whatsoever when asked where particular torchbearers would be running , I turned up and the atmosphere amongst ordinary local people was fantastic , but there was no way I was going to wave my little flag at a blooming Coca Cola bus !!!

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Found LOCOG's handling of the torch bearers in Sheffield quite overbearing , no obvious evidence that they had done any research into particularly popular or worthy local torchbearers , and police shipped in from other areas who couldn't provide any information whatsoever when asked where particular torchbearers would be running


Possibly because the order that people are running in isn't completly decided until the moment they get off the bus and stand ready to meet the current torch bearer.


There's a plan for who's doing what where, but it's only a plan, and can be changed at a moments notice. I'd be impressed if the Police, who are travelling round the country, could commit this plan, with all 200 odd torch bearers, and the locations their expected to run to memory every day. Especially if they could also update it in real time as any alterations are made.


As for Brin56's post... however you spell it, it's still a load of codswallop. For a start, the "Ring of Steel" predates the games by nearly 20 years. And if anyone thinks this is the first Olympic games to have got the anti-aircraft missiles out, then they're sadly mistaken.

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But don't you find it worrying that , given 7 years' notice , the mighty LOCOG should be expecting the police ( from wherever ) to have to commit to MEMORY the names of 200 torchbearers a day , together with their locations ?


I mean , what are we looking at ? Maybe a 5 page printout per day , done the night before when local details have been finalised ? A copy of which could have been given to police on the day ? It's not exactly rocket science , OR IS IT? If LOCOG can't even keep track of just 200 nominated torchbearers per day , how can they possibly expect to police the Olympics effectively if they have to do everything by MEMORY ??

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