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Tony Blair's return

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I agree. I certainly never felt that politics should be a career.


However, lets be frank, what "real life" experience has blair had outside politics.


His "jobs" have been a UN envoy, a senior "advisor" on climate change and its effects on finance and insurance for JP morgan, a businessman with his own firm "consulting" on government trends and tactical approaches when trading, a lecturer on globalisation for Yale and an "advisor" for a Korean Oil Company advising on Iraq.


Yeah, really nitty gritty stuff there. He knows what life is like for us normal folk.


He is no better than Cameron for knowing how the world works. At least Cameron had some real political experience as a researcher and advisor within the home office experience as a civil servant and a semi normal (well for a toff anyway) job working for Carlton.


To be honest, and im gonna be contravertial here, Thatcher was the true "real" politican. Highly successful yes. Highly Educated yes. But at least her history was from a normal down to earth background. Something that has probably never happened since.


That's what we need for this country. Whether its Tory, Labour or Liberal is completely accademic. Someone from a normal background is needed to get this place back on track. Its time people stopped acting like sheep and vote for a PERSON not a PARTY next time round.


Any suggestions?

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Do you think that someone like that will be allowed within 100 yards of internal leadership ballot for any party ? I doubt that.


Thatcher got through. Besides they could run as independent.


To be honest I cannot suggest anyone at present worthy enough. Too many people have not worked for their power or wealth and just got it handed to them on a plate.


Alan Sugar maybe? - self made man done nothing too contravertial


Mary Portas - she has some good ideas and no nonsense approach - worked hard from shop floor upwards to get where she is now.


Gordon Ramsay maybe if he wasn't sweary and and a US television diva


Those sort of people. Im not suggesting any old tom dick and harry but there have got to be self made, worked hard up through the ranks sorts who must fancy some politics.

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Thatcher got through. Besides they could run as independent.


To be honest I cannot suggest anyone at present worthy enough. Too many people have not worked for their power or wealth and just got it handed to them on a plate.


Alan Sugar maybe? - self made man done nothing too contravertial


Mary Portas - she has some good ideas and no nonsense approach - worked hard from shop floor upwards to get where she is now.


Gordon Ramsay maybe if he wasn't sweary and and a US television diva


Those sort of people. Im not suggesting any old tom dick and harry but there have got to be self made, worked hard up through the ranks sorts who must fancy some politics.


Thatcher was nearly 40 years ago.That said going along the same lines Labour have a similar candidate, already in their ranks. 20 years a miner, who knows the views of the working man and never got close to a front bench. it could be down to personal choice, but I doubt he would have got a look in anyway.


Also I feel that those with real life experience tend to be a bit more extreme in their views. Is the electorate prepared to move from their centre right position of the last 20 years ?

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Out of the fire and into the frying pan. Be careful what you wish for.

Public school boy trend? Didn't Blair go to Edinburgh's equivalent to eton?

Definitely a boarding school.


And went to Oxford University.

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I can see it now, one of Blairs political enemies in Labour dies in mysterious circumstances and he takes the seat in a by-election, then Miliband steps aside so Blair can take the leadership.


If I believed in a god, I would be on my knees praying this doesn't happen!


You do believe in a God, Clegg but like most Gods the reality is different from the vision of the messiah. In the real world mind quite a lot of people voted for silly Blair, three times. We won't be seeing much of Clegg after the next election.

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one of the recurring themes of the political threads on here has been the lack of experience of real life the bulk of our politicians have had.


by having a few years outside of politics mr blair may have gained such experience and that would make him a better candidate than any of the current leaders or their possible successors.


that said, i cant say that i'd relish a competent conservative government which is in effect what he would lead.


I agree with some of that. - He was a remarkably competent politician (albeit he is seen [rightly or wrongly] as having been a remarkably dishonest and two-faced politician.) He would have some major obstacles to overcome, not least of which would be the problems he might encounter in explaining his tax 'practices''- Should he encounter any serious political opposition, then he might find that his tax history (particularly the non-payment) was shoved so far up his arse that Gordon Brown's eyes bulged.


Id like to see him in the Hague.


Well, all you have to do is file the charges.


What, exactly, do you intend to charge him with?


You can't just go around slagging people off - even people like Blair are supposed to be given a fair trial.

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