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Horrifying story of death by thirst in NHS teaching hospital! - May 28 2009

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The Nhs are a fantastic institution, one of which we should be proud. However, if you aren't up to scratch, you appear to be charged with looking after the elderly. I've had the pleasure of seeing some geriatric wards up close. Shocking doesn't cover it.

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The Nhs are a fantastic institution, one of which we should be proud. However, if you aren't up to scratch, you appear to be charged with looking after the elderly. I've had the pleasure of seeing some geriatric wards up close. Shocking doesn't cover it.


Well this lad was only 22 so there must be plenty of those not up to scratch around.


Absolute tragedy - I hope all those involved in his treatment hang their heads in shame.......but I doubt it.

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Such a sad story. He obviously had a very complex condition that none of the staff fully understood. It's one of those extreme cases where the staff should lose their right to continue to practice, at the very least.

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You mean yet another horrifying story of a patient dying of neglect in a NHS hospital.


Still cannot resist a pop can you Jim, the NHS set up is/was the envy of the world; Since its launch in 1948, the NHS has grown to become the world’s largest publicly funded health service. It is also one of the most efficient, most egalitarian and most comprehensive.


The NHS was born out of a long-held ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardless of wealth.


Nye Bevan must be spinning at how it has been allowed to become like this, I would sooner go to an NHS hospital than pay thousands like in some countries.


Ooh you know one like America, where they all think we're quaint & know each other.

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Well this lad was only 22 so there must be plenty of those not up to scratch around.


Absolute tragedy - I hope all those involved in his treatment hang their heads in shame.......but I doubt it.


To my shame I didnt read the article, just guessed on the age based on passed cases and personal experience. Just as sad, maybe sadder.


Nobody will get sacked though.

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To my shame I didnt read the article, just guessed on the age based on passed cases and personal experience. Just as sad, maybe sadder.


Nobody will get sacked though.


You probably feel more shame than those involved in this will.

Like you have had horrendous personal experience of this type of neglect - and your right no one will face justice for it.

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You've gleaned that fact from what ? A ward full of nurses allowed someone to die of thirst ? That doesn't happen in a shift or because of cuts, it happens because the staff in question couldn't give toss and you've just given them a free pass "ooh it's the cuts why we failed this patient over an extended period of time, nowt to do with the fact we're incompetent."


Jim does bang this drum a bit too much but by removing all responsibilty by blaming cuts you're worse.


And what sort of sicko wants to gain political milage out if thus tradegy anyway ? Loads sadly.


Wish I could press a like button to this- agree with every word you say.

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To my shame I didnt read the article, just guessed on the age based on passed cases and personal experience. Just as sad, maybe sadder.


Nobody will get sacked though.


You're probably right, but the " Have you finished because I'd like to bag him up now" has no place in a hospital environment.


No system is perfect..that includes the NHS.

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