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Where did god come from?

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Ok , I think that answers the god(s) question.


Now, where did The Big Bang come from?


There's no logical answer to that. The Universe began. If you insist that nothing can begin unless there was a precursor to cause] it to begin, then you have to explain what caused the precursor, then you have to explain what caused the thing that caused the precursor ... it's an infinite regressive loop.


Some people will argue that the Universe can't begin unless something causes it to begin, but will then turn their own argument upside down by saying that whichever god caused it to begin, exists on its own without anything causing that god to exist. This is clearly a nonsense position, since it contradicts itself. As soon as you accept that something must exist without having a cause, why bother arguing that the Universe cannot do so?

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At the moment there is a war against Islam, by the Christians or maybe its is just a coincidence. A crusade, where democracy, the right type of course plus the idea of western freedom, is what we wish to impose on the ignorant, non-Christians.


Islam, Christianity with its founder Judaism are the warmongers, fighting with and for their particular god.


Israel wants all non Jews out of the land their god apparently gave them, justifying the carnage they have inflicted, as its always the others fault.


The western Christian world sees all Muslims as possible terrorists, especially in the USA and UK. With a failing economy we both need scapegoats to distract the rabble with.


Muslims see they are marginalised, feel somewhat picked on, watch as other believers are dispatched in foreign lands as insignificant and inconvenient life forms. This promotes a feeling of unfairness and resentment allowing the security services to find such individuals interesting, as they require mascots, to justify their own position.


So what is this god these deluded people feel needs fighting for in their own way. It now represents for Muslims and Jews both a collective and personal identity.


So what is the basis of this continuous mass delusion shared by billions?

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Surely the universe was created by the big bang. I think what he means is what was there before the big bang, apart from Marks and Sparks? The whole universe is contained within a jam jar in the cupboard of a mega beings kitchen.


The universe, the big bang was an event within the universe.

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So really the Big Bang and god-created-universe theories are both about as likely or unlikely as each other.


No. One theory is evidence based using the latest scientific techniques and advances, the other is "the sky pixie did it".

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At the moment there is a war against Islam, by the Christians or maybe its is just a coincidence. A crusade, where democracy, the right type of course plus the idea of western freedom, is what we wish to impose on the ignorant, non-Christians.


Islam, Christianity with its founder Judaism are the warmongers, fighting with and for their particular god.


Israel wants all non Jews out of the land their god apparently gave them, justifying the carnage they have inflicted, as its always the others fault.


The western Christian world sees all Muslims as possible terrorists, especially in the USA and UK. With a failing economy we both need scapegoats to distract the rabble with.


Muslims see they are marginalised, feel somewhat picked on, watch as other believers are dispatched in foreign lands as insignificant and inconvenient life forms. This promotes a feeling of unfairness and resentment allowing the security services to find such individuals interesting, as they require mascots, to justify their own position.


So what is this god these deluded people feel needs fighting for in their own way. It now represents for Muslims and Jews both a collective and personal identity.


So what is the basis of this continuous mass delusion shared by billions?


I think you'll find it's the other way around ... and it's not just against Christians either.

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So really the Big Bang and god-created-universe theories are both about as likely or unlikely as each other.


Incorrect; the Big Bang theory just says "the Universe exists. There is no cause." The god-created-universe theory says "There must be a cause, which was God; God exists, there is no cause." It contradicts itself and cannot possibly be true.

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Not sure where god came from, but what I do know is that, religion in general has been responsible for the majority of wars in the world.


When I was growing up I was told that when I go in a pub never argue about the 3 following things, FOOTBALL, RELIGION & POLITICS & I've tried to stick to it, tho not always successfully lol.

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