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Cameron's attack on the poor!

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I am truly amazed that some people are surprised that Cameron is attacking poor people. This, historically , has always been what tories have done. They will not change the habits of centuries.:roll:

They have killed millions in wars and have considered it to be "reducing the surplus population". They will never change.

Do you remember learning about workhouses in history at school?

Guess who was in charge of them!:loopy:


I think its a bit of an overstatement to say that they attack the poor; the Torie's have a benign neglect of, not just the poor, but of everyone...they, to a certain degree, try to have a hands-off aproach and let society run itself.

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I'm quite happy to say that in real life - because most people who would like to fill someone in for daring to hold a contrary opinion generally are too cowardly to do so.


I somehow doubt you would routinely go around behaving in that way. Nobody does. It's not normal.


You didn't like what I posted and I understand and respect that. But then you had a bizarre little hissy fit.


If you had had said someting like 'well left wingers do that too' I would have agreed because we see it on here all the time with some posters.


But you kind of fell into the trap of exhibiting the behaviour I described. I didn't expect it from you though - I've enjoyed reading your posts over the past couple of days, posts which have been much more reasoned than a lot of stuff posted on here that takes a right wing stance.

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I think you are reading far too much into what I said. I provided a complenting counter point to what you said. If anything, you were the one that decided to throw a "hissy fit" about something you didn't like.


Not really. What I posted was that people who went round spouting some of the right wing views often posted on here would get filled in. It's quite likely they would do which is why we rarely hear people saying those things. I certainly never encounter it. The point is that they are not anti-left wing (although that is what they think they are doing) they are just straight-up nasty and vindicitve.


If I want loony left claptrap I know I could go up Fargate any day of the week and there will most likely be somewhere there with a petition or a banner or a megaphone.


As for you post let's look at some of the words -


"And they provide a safe environment for left-wing posturing by impotent little people who have dreams of filling someone in to counteract their own perceived inaedquacies."


I know it was directed at me. You confirmed that with your subsequent post about posturing. That is why I have taken issue with it. You don't have to resort to abuse to make a point. You've shown that with other posts.

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Not really. What I posted was that people who went round spouting some of the right wing views often posted on here would get filled in. It's quite likely they would do which is why we rarely hear people saying those things. I certainly never encounter it. The point is that they are not anti-left wing (although that is what they think they are doing) they are just straight-up nasty and vindicitve.


If I want loony left claptrap I know I could go up Fargate any day of the week and there will most likely be somewhere there with a petition or a banner or a megaphone.


As for you post let's look at some of the words -


"And they provide a safe environment for left-wing posturing by impotent little people who have dreams of filling someone in to counteract their own perceived inaedquacies."


I know it was directed at me. You confirmed that with your subsequent post about posturing. That is why I have taken issue with it. You don't have to resort to abuse to make a point. You've shown that with other posts.


No. That comment was a broad one directed at some of the more - shall we say enthusastic left wingers on here. It certainly wasn't directed at you specifically - in the same way I know that your comment about right wing bigots wasn't aimed at me specifically


The second post of mine was directed at you though - and was in direct response to the first insult thrown, which was from you


"How old are you? Should you be up late? "


Now you are right - you don't have to resort to abuse to make a point which is why your comment above saddened me somewhat because until then I thought it was going quite well.

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