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Cameron's attack on the poor!

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You think so, shall we look back over various threads for God knows how long and see who's done all the gobbing?


Feel free. Hard left and right are equally aggressive. Take this thread. Does anyone honestly think Cameron wants to go out of his way to hurt poor people ? Not balance the books or anything like just attack poor people, destroy the Nhs etc etc. Tories, according to the left, are evil. No they aren't. Hitler was evil, Stalin was evil, moors murdered were evil. Cameron is an elected politician who has a (lets be honest here) slightly different viewpoint to someone like ed miliband.


As i said right wingers can be equally voracious but The left are so used nasty (oh the irony) when describing the Tories (when in government) they don't even know they're doing it.

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My daughter and a couple of her friends wanted to go into nursing when they left school but all the courses were full, so at a time when we had an apparent shortage of midwifes and nurses and the NHS was employing trained nurses and midwifes from abroad, we had young people here wanting to train but couldn’t.


Why does it surprise you that university courses have a finite capacity, couldn't she apply for a different intake or a different university?

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Of course the benefits need changing,and a goog shake up is whats needed and people dont like it,

i work full time on low wage and i have to pay my rent,council tax etc,

now my neighbour never worked dont pay any rent,or council tax and dont go with out,so the system is surely wrong


Yes, the system is wrong when the unemployed get more than the working, but don't you think the working should be paid more, rather than those on benefits less?

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Why does it surprise you that university courses have a finite capacity, couldn't she apply for a different intake or a different university?


It didn't surprise me, I knew the UK had a policy of using foreign workers instead of training the people we already have.

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It didn't surprise me, I knew the UK had a policy of using foreign workers instead of training the people we already have.


This is happening and the driver is cost. It is happening in the public sector and the private sector.


In certain occupations we also seem to have a policy of training people then throwing them straight onto the scrapheap.

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Feel free. Hard left and right are equally aggressive. Take this thread. Does anyone honestly think Cameron wants to go out of his way to hurt poor people ? Not balance the books or anything like just attack poor people, destroy the Nhs etc etc. Tories, according to the left, are evil. No they aren't. Hitler was evil, Stalin was evil, moors murdered were evil. Cameron is an elected politician who has a (lets be honest here) slightly different viewpoint to someone like ed miliband.


As i said right wingers can be equally voracious but The left are so used nasty (oh the irony) when describing the Tories (when in government) they don't even know they're doing it.


I think the issue is not that the Tories are all inherently nasty although there is an element of that kind of thing. It's more not wanting to understand or listen when there is evidence that their policies will seriously damage certain sections of society - again it's the dogmatic adherence to 'one size fits all' policy and the idea that everything that is wrong can always be pinned on individuals, that people can always be blamed for things completely outside their control. The problem is that vulnerable groups, diadvantaged areas etc.. always end up in the firing line. It might not be meant to be nasty. But it looks it.

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I think the issue is not that the Tories are all inherently nasty although there is an element of that kind of thing. It's more not wanting to understand or listen when there is evidence that their policies will seriously damage certain sections of society - again it's the dogmatic adherence to 'one size fits all' policy and the idea that everything that is wrong can always be pinned on individuals, that people can always be blamed for things completely outside their control. The problem is that vulnerable groups, diadvantaged areas etc.. always end up in the firing line. It might not be meant to be nasty. But it looks it.


I think thats true to a point, but is it much different than labour pouring money it doesn't have into the public sector (often in safe or at best marginal seats) ? Is it for a greater good or to stay in power ? It begs the question, if they are that how do they keep cropping up and not go the way of the liberals ? They've backed down on some policies and get caned for it, surely damned if you do and damned if you dont. I think a coalition has held them back a bit which is a good thing, but nobody on here wants a coalition, just there own way. I can't wait for a labour landslide and watch ed miliband talk himself out not carrying out a policy he came up with a few months backwhere he was going to guarantee every NEET under 25 a job. Good luck ed....


Neither have got a clue and those who think a new government will make everything alright needs a tablet in a similar way that someone who thinks just because the Tories are in power the world will end. Does our government (and I'll include the last labour one too) ever make big country-changing decisions any more ? Most of us are too independent aren't we ?

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It didn't surprise me, I knew the UK had a policy of using foreign workers instead of training the people we already have.


I'm sorry, but there are only a limited amount of training places for nurses, that is a fact it's not a conspiracy, just like there are only limited numbers of places on any course. Another point is that we imported mainly experienced nurses not newly qualified ones, because we need that experience rather than the numbers.


I seriously doubt that we are importing nurses at any serious number as unfortunately at the moment there is a serious shortage of jobs for nurses. It's really hard for a newly qualified nurse to get a job, this the current driver for the numbers of nurses that the universities are training.


I believe that Sheffield Hallam postponed an entire intake last year because of this.

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I'm sorry, but there are only a limited amount of training places for nurses, that is a fact it's not a conspiracy, just like there are only limited numbers of places on any course. Another point is that we imported mainly experienced nurses not newly qualified ones, because we need that experience rather than the numbers.


I seriously doubt that we are importing nurses at any serious number as unfortunately at the moment there is a serious shortage of jobs for nurses. It's really hard for a newly qualified nurse to get a job, this the current driver for the numbers of nurses that the universities are training.


I believe that Sheffield Hallam postponed an entire intake last year because of this.


This was six years ago and many of our youngsters now face the problem of experience, most employers want qualified experienced workers and they are easy to get from abroad, this has caused a serious problem for our youth. They are told get qualified only to be turned down for a job because they now lack experience.

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I'm sorry, but there are only a limited amount of training places for nurses, that is a fact it's not a conspiracy, just like there are only limited numbers of places on any course. Another point is that we imported mainly experienced nurses not newly qualified ones, because we need that experience rather than the numbers.


I seriously doubt that we are importing nurses at any serious number as unfortunately at the moment there is a serious shortage of jobs for nurses. It's really hard for a newly qualified nurse to get a job, this the current driver for the numbers of nurses that the universities are training.


I believe that Sheffield Hallam postponed an entire intake last year because of this.


Don't apologise it isn't your fault. There are only a limited number of training places, it is a fact , if it is anything like the amalgamation of the London Medical Schools in the past it is also a conspiracy. We reduced the number of places available to train for medicine (despite the demand for the places and the need for the doctors) while importing doctors with poor English and questionable ability. We imported doctors from countries that needed them even more than we do despite the fact that the countries in question were less able to afford to train them in the first place.

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