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Cameron's attack on the poor!

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Perhaps folks should consider who it is that creates the jobs.


maybe it is'nt about creating more jobs then, maybe just making it easier to get a job, but jobs still need creating. the point is people need to be in work now, forgt all this rich/poor divide. people are better when they work it gives people confidence and worth and also makes people want to look after their money more because they have had to earn it.


it doesn't matter which way you look at it, everybody working is better than just a few working.

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These threads are getting boring. Cameron is making the best of a bad situation.


What is wrong with under 25s moving back in with their parents when things are hard? That is how things work in most of the world (including most of the EU) as well as for most of this country's history.


I agree that red-tape needs to be slashed. I have a lot more faith that the Tories will do that than Labour would. We need to return to a self-reliant ethos instead of a situation where people expect the state to manage their lives.

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These threads are getting boring. Cameron is making the best of a bad situation.


What is wrong with under 25s moving back in with their parents when things are hard? That is how things work in most of the world (including most of the EU) as well as for most of this country's history.


I agree that red-tape needs to be slashed. I have a lot more faith that the Tories will do that than Labour would. We need to return to a self-reliant ethos instead of a situation where people expect the state to manage their lives.


When I was 22 and between jobs in Sheffield I worked piece-work. This meant a nightmare of signing on and off depending on how many hours I worked each week. But it meant that I was in a job, it meant that it was easier for me to get a full-time job in the same field when one came up. The pay was too low to pay the rent so on weeks where I didn't claim Income Support, i was still entitled to Housing Benefit.


My mum lived in Hull


So as for what is wrong with moving back? Well, I had a job, a job at a known and respected company within the field, it meant that by working with higher end goods, I was a conscientious worker. I suppose that I shouldn't have taken that opportunity and instead should have returned to Hull where there were/are less opportunities, and taken a step backwards, for my crime of being under 25.


Or perhaps I should have taken Tebbitt literally and cycled from Hull to Sheffield each work day, (piece-work pre minimum wage, wouldn't have paid my train fare, and certainly not to run a car)


So, even disregarding people from homes with "issues", I can think of a number of things that are wrong with forcing people to move back to their parents'

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So if there are thousands of entrepreneurs waiting to go where are all the businesses they've started up..? Why are they waiting? What's stopping them?


Competition is stopping them. If I ran a business I would do anything in my power to stop other people providing the same goods as me or substituting my goods for something else. I would expect them to try and do the same for me. If established businesses were shown the door it would be so much easier.

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These threads are getting boring. Cameron is making the best of a bad situation.


What is wrong with under 25s moving back in with their parents when things are hard? That is how things work in most of the world (including most of the EU) as well as for most of this country's history.


I agree that red-tape needs to be slashed. I have a lot more faith that the Tories will do that than Labour would. We need to return to a self-reliant ethos instead of a situation where people expect the state to manage their lives.


I'm sure you could think of some reasons if you tried.


As for the second bit about kids historically living with their parents in this country. Have you got anything to back that up?

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Its all well and good saying don't buy from China, but what choice do we have, take for example the other morning as I was getting dressed I was reading the labels on my clothing (sad i know) My knickers were made in Sri Lanka, my t.shirt in Indonesia, my jeans in Turkey and my jumper in Vietnam. They were all Marks and Spencer. So my point is there is very little manufacturing in Britain, so we can't always buy British.,


Dont you wear bras?

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I suppose it is more important to some people to narrow the gap between rich and poor even if that means dragging everyone down. I don't find the differential as important as the increased standard of living for those on low incomes.

The top 1% of tax payers pay 30% of tax in this country. If we drove them out the gap between rich & poor would drop dramatically, but as tax revenues would drop 30% the low paid would see a 30% cut in their benefits.


You've posted this rubbish before. And you continue to post it (and with errors).


The highest-earning 1 per cent of Britons pay almost 30 per cent of all income taxes, according to research.


Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2107031/UK-Budget-2012-Top-1-earners-contribute-income-tax.html#ixzz1za8zG4DL


You might have a point if income tax was the only tax. But it isn't.


Alcoholics pay the most alcohol taxes.


Smokers pay the most cigarette taxes.


Poor people spend a greater proportion of their income on council tax than rich people do.


And with regard to income taxes, many of the highest earners pay very little.


1% anyone? K2 arrangement...


What about large sums of money that are unearned?

Increase in property values for example. Undeclared rent. Property bought and sold through trusts by aristocratic families (landed gentry) that collects CAP subsidies.


Conclusion - there are many forms of taxes, many are regressive.

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