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Cameron's attack on the poor!

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These threads are getting boring. Cameron is making the best of a bad situation.


What is wrong with under 25s moving back in with their parents when things are hard? That is how things work in most of the world (including most of the EU) as well as for most of this country's history.


I agree that red-tape needs to be slashed. I have a lot more faith that the Tories will do that than Labour would. We need to return to a self-reliant ethos instead of a situation where people expect the state to manage their lives.


Last year 93% of new claims for housing benefit were from WORKING people.


If we cut hb for under 25s (which is already capped at a lower rate), then it makes it harder for them to compete with others for housing.


We might have a 24 year old English person working 50 hours a week, unable to compete with a 25 year old immigrant who doesn't work, or works only a few hours.


Housing benefit needs to be cut across the board.


The shared room rate could be extended to everybody under 1000. housing could be forced down in price, rents could be lowered. IDS himself said that he were the market.


The irony is, discrimination against the youth is somehow deemed ok. But suggesting pensions are cut is a big no no and 'age discrimination' gets called. The pensioners didn't pay enough in.


Housing benefit is a subsidy for property owners and landlords. It discriminates on age, family size and geographical location.

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Last year 93% of new claims for housing benefit were from WORKING people.


If we cut hb for under 25s (which is already capped at a lower rate), then it makes it harder for them to compete with others for housing.


We might have a 24 year old English person working 50 hours a week, unable to compete with a 25 year old immigrant who doesn't work, or works only a few hours.


Housing benefit needs to be cut across the board.


The shared room rate could be extended to everybody under 1000. housing could be forced down in price, rents could be lowered. IDS himself said that he were the market.


The irony is, discrimination against the youth is somehow deemed ok. But suggesting pensions are cut is a big no no and 'age discrimination' gets called. The pensioners didn't pay enough in.


Housing benefit is a subsidy for property owners and landlords. It discriminates on age, family size and geographical location.


I think the government is trying to provoke public opinion and discrimination against anyone it doesn't like e.g. Young people, the police, the NHS, Schools, public services, council tenants and the rest.

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Define Upper Class Twit? Would he be the footballer on £5m a year or Bob Diamond on a similar amount or someone who inherited a ramshakle old pile and has spent all their money on maintaining it? How about that Lord someone or other from Rotherham. Maybe just a hard working family who saved all their earnings and bought a house in Whirlow or Dore or similar. Perhaps it's the guy who lives in Shiregreen and drives a new Merc.

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Competition is stopping them. If I ran a business I would do anything in my power to stop other people providing the same goods as me or substituting my goods for something else. I would expect them to try and do the same for me. If established businesses were shown the door it would be so much easier.


So we'd end up with the second best companies?.. How confidence inspiring that is...

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You've posted this rubbish before. And you continue to post it (and with errors).




Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2107031/UK-Budget-2012-Top-1-earners-contribute-income-tax.html#ixzz1za8zG4DL


You might have a point if income tax was the only tax. But it isn't.


Alcoholics pay the most alcohol taxes.


Smokers pay the most cigarette taxes.


Poor people spend a greater proportion of their income on council tax than rich people do.


And with regard to income taxes, many of the highest earners pay very little.


1% anyone? K2 arrangement...


What about large sums of money that are unearned?

Increase in property values for example. Undeclared rent. Property bought and sold through trusts by aristocratic families (landed gentry) that collects CAP subsidies.


Conclusion - there are many forms of taxes, many are regressive.


There's nothing that says some of the 1% aren't smokers or drinkers..so they get hit with a double (treble?) whammy :)

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wouldn't it make more sense to make private landlords lower their rents. Most under 25's who claim hb, do actually work. The main problem is the wage they are paid isn't enough to live on. why not lower vat on british made products? it would give us more incentive to buy british, limit the amount of goods that supermarkets sell, and this would give the smaller shops a chance. instead of a maximum housing benefit charge, why not make a maximum rent, this would stop greedy landlords. pensioners should be made to retire to let younger people get a job. these are my ideas, rant over

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wouldn't it make more sense to make private landlords lower their rents. Most under 25's who claim hb, do actually work. The main problem is the wage they are paid isn't enough to live on. why not lower vat on british made products? it would give us more incentive to buy british, limit the amount of goods that supermarkets sell, and this would give the smaller shops a chance. instead of a maximum housing benefit charge, why not make a maximum rent, this would stop greedy landlords. pensioners should be made to retire to let younger people get a job. these are my ideas, rant over


This one would just encourage more young people to enter the country and make the current situation worse.

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I am truly amazed that some people are surprised that Cameron is attacking poor people. This, historically , has always been what tories have done. They will not change the habits of centuries.:roll:

They have killed millions in wars and have considered it to be "reducing the surplus population". They will never change.

Do you remember learning about workhouses in history at school?

Guess who was in charge of them!:loopy:

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