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We are not a world power

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The USA couldn't defeat the Viet Cong and today can't defeat Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Russian couldn't defeat the Mojahadin. We couldn't defeat the IRA and along with the Yanks can't defeat the Taliban. France got kicked out of Algeria. Israel is at constant war and has had to build a big wall to defend itself. Military hardware only gets you so far if you're on other people's land.


Comparing guerilla warfare and terrorism with military strength is nonsensical.

However much you admire them they're mostly insignificant militarily.

Israel hasn't been "at war" since 1973. It has been under constant treat to it's security. The wall/fences have reduced that threat and the number of attacks on its civilians massively.


Signal from USS Forrestal to HMS Ark Royal, " How's the world's second biggest navy?" Ark Royal to Forrestal "Fine, how's the world's second best?":) Carrier innovations that made it possible to handle jet aircraft, all British inventions 1. The steam catapult 2. The mirror landing aid 3. The angled flight deck.




Pacific theatre against the Japanese was the greatest naval victory of the last century. No one else would have been able to do it.

11 carrier groups is obcene. Even one of those groups is more than a match for 99% of the world's navies.

At least that's what they teach in Israel :)

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You could argue it is, in the sense that we don't claim sovereignty over the islands; we just go along with the Falklanders' wishes whatever they might be.
I would guess they would prefer to live on their homeland without being oppressed, just like you and I, by a larger power. That their ancestors were British and their language

English, I would presume they would prefer the greater protection offered to them by Britain. But that's just me. Let the Argies take over if you wish. Then invite them to invade Britain so you can find out what life would be like under them. Not a bed of roses I think.

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Spoken like a true yank ;)


Whatever that means. I had also already been a half pay soldier doing my two years national service in a British Royal Artillery unit in Malaya.


The British Army couln'dt find me a war though

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