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We are not a world power

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Not quite, they may be bigger but not better.:)


The Russian navy never fought a major sea campaign even in WW2 or obviously since then, so it's largely an unknown and untried entity.


They did however get their backsides kicked by the Japanese Navy early in the 20th century


Their nuclear subs werent the best place for a Russian swabbie to find himself in either

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Comparing guerilla warfare and terrorism with military strength is nonsensical.

However much you admire them they're mostly insignificant militarily.

Israel hasn't been "at war" since 1973. It has been under constant treat to it's security. The wall/fences have reduced that threat and the number of attacks on its civilians massively.






Pacific theatre against the Japanese was the greatest naval victory of the last century. No one else would have been able to do it.

11 carrier groups is obcene. Even one of those groups is more than a match for 99% of the world's navies.

At least that's what they teach in Israel :)

At the time of Pearl Harbor the USN had 3 fleet carriers in service. By the time Okinowa was attacked in 1945 they had 22 full fleet carriers plus a number of smaller carriers. many of them were severely damaged by Kamikazi attacks but the attack was successful. It should be noted that the five British carriers there had armoured flight decks, while the American decks were wooden. The kamikazis that hit the Britsh carriers bounced off ino the sea, causing little damage. I served aboard HMS Indomitable in 1952 and 53, she had been hit by a Kamikazi just forward of the island which left a dent in the flight deck. Whenever it rained there was still a pool of water where it had happened. Say what anyone likes, I served in the most respected and admired navy in the world. Even the US navy copied what we did, and liked us. From time to time we would share a dockside with a US carrier. Some of their chief or petty officers would come aboard for a few beers and a drop of navy rum, then we would slip aboard the American ship, a little the worse for weather, for an excellent supper. That's if the Officer of he Watch let us aboard.:)
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Switzerland has not had military might for the last eight centuries, and has never needed it. Why should we be any different?
They never had to face the combined might of the Spanish Armadas,or the French hell bent on invading us. They never had to combat U boats determined to starve us.The sole purpose of the Battle of Britain was to ensure we were still in a position to send the fleet against a German invasion without fear of being attacked by German aircraft. Switzerland had none of those kind of problems. There's not a lot of sea I believe,unless you include Lake Lucerne, and nothing much worth invading.:)
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Switzerland has not had military might for the last eight centuries, and has never needed it. Why should we be any different?


This isn't exactly true. No doubt The Swiss would have spent a couple of years under Nazi rule had they not had men in uniform. Not saying Hitler was scared but perhaps it made him think "Well 500,000 to 1,000,000 men would be better needed in Russia"

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