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Attn: All Martial Arts posters!!


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There are a lot of Martial Artist posting on here, some doing the same style and some very different.


I would like to make the suggestion, rather than just discuss what we all do on the internet we should get together to show what our styles are and what they offer (as they all have something to offer!!)


From what I gather from the mix we have bjj and sub wrestling with myself and Steve but there's Traditional jj, Karate, Kung Fu, Kickboxer and jkd instructors to name a few.


I'm sure someone has a venue that will accommodate us all and we will, I’m sure, all learn something.


What do you guys and girls think?

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I probably won't have time to attend, but if it helps i've been involved in organising a similar thing in the past.


The way we did it in the past was to select 3 or 4 instructors from different backgrounds, get a venue and private insurance, and then have the instructors each teach about 1hr of whatever they liked.

There were no attitude problems, everyone has thoroughly enjoyed the courses (I think we're upto 7 now all across the country from Bristol to Edinburgh, via Manc and Shef).


As a guideline, we've normally found that 10 - 15 will cover insurance, dojo/mat hire and travel expenses for the teaching instructors. It's cheaper if someone has a dojo they can volunteer to be used.

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Now that does sound like a good idea. I've been thinking along the same lines for a while.


I went to a mixed martial arts seminar in Nottingham a year ago and it was very well organised, and very well taught, without the "ego" problems which you might worry about.


We had Judo, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu, Karate, wing chun and knife fighting. It was really good fun.


Please let me know if you organise anything, I'd be up for it. I'd be more than happy to help teach some karate if you'd like.

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