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Mayan end of world 2012 MEGATHREAD

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This is all pure rubbish with not a single serious scientist having anything to do with it.


Check this out for what will actually happen. Nothing -and then the doom-sayers will come up with a fantastic and oh so plausible reason as to why it didn't.


As for a new enlightemment - I'm sure humans will evolve socially and culturally eventually and dispense with money and religion, but this will happen over many centuries not in a single year.

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  • 2 years later...

Okay.. Anyone who knows anything about the conspiracy theories about 21/12/2012 and the end of the world blah blah, will know about the planet that people are calling Planet X and Nibiru right?


Now having a look on Google Sky at my mates house last night, we found out where this so called planet is supposed to be (5h 53m 27s) and put it into the said program.


To our amazement, the only part of the sky to have a blacked out box on it, is 5h 53m 27s.


I've looked into this today and found certain videos on the matter, THIS one being probably the best decription of what I witnessed last night.


What's your views on a cover up? Do you think it's a glitch, or someone trying to stop infomation getting to people?


Personally, I don't think anything will happen in 2012.


The Mayan calandar does end on 21/12/2012, but doesn't it restart again under a different guise?


Is it worth buying Chrissy pressies that year??


Weird stuff! :suspect:

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... we found out where this so called planet is supposed to be (5h 53m 27s) and put it into the said program.


To our amazement, the only part of the sky to have a blacked out box on it, is 5h 53m 27s.


No chance someone had a look on Google Sky for a blacked out box, and used it's location to originate such rumours then? ;)

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No chance someone had a look on Google Sky for a blacked out box, and used it's location to originate such rumours then? ;)


It has crossed my mind yeah, but it is actually where the planet is supposed to be in parrallel with earth.. I dunno..

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I did a whole post on this months ago (almost two years ago actually)


we should be able to see this "planet X" on the horizon at sunset from around mid december this year... if it is indeed real... :)

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It Nibiru end of the world theories are a galvanised from different extinct cultures.

Part of it being from the Mayan Calendar/Legends, and the sumarian texts decoded by a man named Zecharia Sitchin.


It's an interesting story/theory that does have some foundations based upon facts, but seriously overhyped during the few years run up to the 2012 film.

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The Mayan calandar does end on 21/12/2012, but doesn't it restart again under a different guise?



It would if there were any Mayans left to start a new one. Their calendar system ran for hundreds (thousands?) of years before reaching "last day" and needing to be replaced.


Ours runs for only 365 years before reaching last day, but nobody goes around claiming that the world will end just because it's going to be December 31st. Nor is there any sense in claiming the world will end just because the Mayan calendar is going to be showing its last day.

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