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Mayan end of world 2012 MEGATHREAD

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people are getting this all wrong btw, there's nothing saying the world WILL end in 2012 because of Nibiru... they are simply saying that because of its sheer mass, its gravitational pull will adversely affect the planet, it could be a "Day after tomorrow" type global occurance, it could be nothing, it could cause our polar flip (which is way over due any way)


a worse case scenario is indeed the end of life, but that is because it could cause a planetary shift/swap with Mars...


either way, i don't think it'll happen tbh.


It won't happen because Nibiru doesn't exist.



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yeah, and Planet X isn't Nibiru either... that's something else that people get wrong!


Better tell Wikipedia


Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru.




The idea was first proposed in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later abandoned)


I bet it was.


Sigh, how time flies: it was just over a year ago when Earth was not destroyed by Planet X. Nancy Lieder, the erstwhile cult leader and alien-telepathic-signal recipient, made loud claims that on May 15, 2003, 90% of us would be killed due to the effects of a giant planet passing close by the Earth. Oddly, on May 16, most of us were still around. Amazingly, Nancy is still out there making her claims (the aliens were testing her with a "white lie" so she says), though not so amazingly, her followers have dwindled to a handful of die-hard believers. Of course, vultures were waiting in the wings, ready to pick the entrails off the corpse of Planet X. I'll deal with them the way I dealt with Nancy: using patience, logic, reason, critical thinking, and, of course, the truth.


[Bad Astronomy Newsletter #51, June 5, 2004]

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Originally Posted by Ghozer

yeah, and Planet X isn't Nibiru either... that's something else that people get wrong!

Better tell Wikipedia


Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru.


"Planet X" has been used for a planet believed, but not shown, to exist at various times - the search for it turned up Pluto in 1930, which was why the discoverers of Pluto assumed it was a planet. (It's now obvious that Pluto should not be classed as a planet, but seventy years of usage is hard to unravel.) Once it was known that Pluto could not cause the supposed perturbations in Neptune's orbit, which were the reason anyone had been looking in the first place, "Planet X" was the name given to some hypothetical tenth planet.


It's now known that those perturbations can be explained without postulating any tenth planet, so the usage fell into abeyance. Quite possibly people are now using it to refer to the mythical "Nibiru," or were doing before somebody named it Nibiru.


That it doesn't exist does not mean it can't have a name, of course.

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"Planet X" has been used for a planet believed, but not shown, to exist at various times - the search for it turned up Pluto in 1930, which was why the discoverers of Pluto assumed it was a planet. (It's now obvious that Pluto should not be classed as a planet, but seventy years of usage is hard to unravel.) Once it was known that Pluto could not cause the supposed perturbations in Neptune's orbit, which were the reason anyone had been looking in the first place, "Planet X" was the name given to some hypothetical tenth planet.


It's now known that those perturbations can be explained without postulating any tenth planet, so the usage fell into abeyance. Quite possibly people are now using it to refer to the mythical "Nibiru," or were doing before somebody named it Nibiru.


That it doesn't exist does not mean it can't have a name, of course.


Pluto happened to be in the right place at the wrong time, really. That said, it certainly is a fascinating and complex system. Hopefully we'll get some really good stuff from the fly-by in a few years time.


I'm not convinced by the 'known' statement either, though we are starting to get to the Kuiper Belt, and even some prescence from the Oort Cloud at those distances.

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I did a whole post on this months ago (almost two years ago actually)


we should be able to see this "planet X" on the horizon at sunset from around mid december this year... if it is indeed real... :)


Were there a high enough albedo, and/or a transit ;)

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people are getting this all wrong btw, there's nothing saying the world WILL end in 2012 because of Nibiru... they are simply saying that because of its sheer mass, its gravitational pull will adversely affect the planet, it could be a "Day after tomorrow" type global occurance, it could be nothing, it could cause our polar flip (which is way over due any way)


a worse case scenario is indeed the end of life, but that is because it could cause a planetary shift/swap with Mars...


either way, i don't think it'll happen tbh.


Believe me, if anything had the mass to cause such a cosmic event so close to us, we'd know about it, unless our entire view of astrophysics is radically wrong.

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