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Mayan end of world 2012 MEGATHREAD

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The world won't end in a natural disaster in 2012, but some of the 'elite' people such as the Illuminati will make it out to be the case. They're wanting a depopulation of the world of billions so they can make the controlling of people easier. The people who run the media, music and economy will be planning a false flag senario for us so they can make the planned New World Order by the end of 2012.


Lady Gaga, Rihanna and all of the other puppets to these people are in the know.. just read up on it. All you have to do is look at the symbolism in their videos to see that they're preparing for even more mind control of their fans.



Do point out some examples - I would love to watch them with a cup of tea and a nice big slice of fruit cake :)

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Do point out some examples - I would love to watch them with a cup of tea and a nice big slice of fruit cake :)


It wasn't funny the first time.(are you that nice to everyone ?)

I must say though i don't go in for this sybolism,all pop stars are illuminati thing,though the ones that control the industry are of the same creed as the media puppets,and Bilderberg types.Any big money thing is.


I also think THEY will use the hype of 2012 to get up to no good.


Look at the Fish ,birds etc dying in swarms,are they playing about with 'Haarp' and other technologys ?

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I also think THEY will use the hype of 2012 to get up to no good.



What hype is this Jay? The only people I've seen mentioning 2012 generally inhabit the rather more bizarre internet forums. Never heard of it until this thread.

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What hype is this Jay? The only people I've seen mentioning 2012 generally inhabit the rather more bizarre internet forums. Never heard of it until this thread.

But there was a blockbuster [yawn] film about it last year; so it must be true!

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Why the problem with 2012 anyway? It's 2149hrs. now and we're still here.


I agree it's a bit silly to think because the mayan callender ends so will the world.

I've not seen the film but read somewhere recently it was considered the worst film for scientific realism or summink.(seems it was NASSA said so)



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What hype is this Jay? The only people I've seen mentioning 2012 generally inhabit the rather more bizarre internet forums. Never heard of it until this thread.


You having a laugh?.ask just about anyone and they know about the "predictions" around 2012.

Mostly down to the film i suspect and the attention that brought to it but there has been related documentaries shown on History and National Geographic channels etc.



So there ::P

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You having a laugh?.ask just about anyone and they know about the "predictions" around 2012.

Mostly down to the film i suspect and the attention that brought to it but there has been related documentaries shown on History and National Geographic channels etc.



So there ::P


"Anyone"? - so 2012 predictions, the film, the History and National Geographic channels are all the talk of everybody in work, down the pub, in the shops, the neighbours etc.


Get a life outside of the tiny conspiracy world you inhabit.

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We are due a CME (Coronal Mass ejection) event any time soon. These are solar flares with the ability to disrupt the earth's electromagnetic field, but they are hardly rare, having occured recently in 2001, 2003 and 2005.


However we are overdue for a comparitively big one which may well disrupt radio waves, communication satellites, telephones, computers etc.


The last big one (the biggest ever recorded) was in 1859, but then of course they didn't have to worry about such things.


There seems to be a fair amount of hysteria building towards 2012, whipped up by internet sites and latched on to by the media. It might be the 21st century but we are still an amazingly supersticious lot. Not a good thing, we'll be burning people at the stake next, so I suggest people calm down and carry on.

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"Anyone"? - so 2012 predictions, the film, the History and National Geographic channels are all the talk of everybody in work, down the pub, in the shops, the neighbours etc.


Get a life outside of the tiny conspiracy world you inhabit.


:hihi:That's rich coming from you,you're obviously more obsessed by conspiricy theories than anyone else on this forum.

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