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Mayan end of world 2012 MEGATHREAD

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Has the end of the world been declared just so they don't have to pay out on my pension .... it's due to start in January 2013 :suspect:


I've heard this stuff about 2012 elsewhere, it's not just the Mayan calendar that ends then apparently ... quite exciting really, we dont have long to wait do we, only another 6 years :)

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Don!! I had a snappy comeback all ready and now you've made me LAUGH!! I give up! I just can't stay annoyed at you for long. No, my uncle wasn't an ancient Mayan. He was a lawyer. Now he's dead, God rest him.


I have to get to the paint store before it closes. Yes, I really DO.



:) Sierra

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The mayans were very exact, citing exactly how many days are in each 1/5 cycle (1872000 days), believing a year to be 365.2420 days (yes they did get that pretty close.) I've just tried to approximately convert the dates to the gregorian calendar myself and to make it easy i rounded a bit.

The 21st dec 2012 is based on the astrological event which justifies the mayan calendar hence its precise.

From your first post: "It dates back to about 23613BC". Your starting point isn't exact so all your working out, no matter how precise you or the Mayans are mean that your finishing date is nothing more than a guess.

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Been reading lots about this one, quite interesting:


The Ancient Mayan Calendar is very accurate and accounts for the cosmic shift from observation on earth.

The Mayans believed in 5 cycles of life with a cull at the end of each cycle. It dates back to about 23613BC, which the Mayans equate with the creatation, when the sun eclipses the center of the galaxy whilst running through the gallactic equator on a winter equinox.

They then believe in each of these 5 cycles lasting approximately 5125 years at the end of each the sun eclipses the center of the galaxy whilst running through the gallactic equator. The final one ends on a winter equinox.

The fact that an ancient civilisation can precisely measure equinoxes and astronomical events such as this one is quite astonishing.

Anyway the cull at the end of each age is documented in Mayan hyroglphs, at the end of the first age it was animals going mad

at the end of the second it was storms

at the end of the third age it was fire

at the end of the forth age it was a flood (noahs maybe?)

at the end of the fith age there shall be huge earthquakes that destroy the earth

The end of the fith age is precisely 21st december 2012 +-24hrs


Another interesting thing is that the Jewish calendar puts the end of the world at 2247, but they place noahs flood around (but not very accurately)2900BC (whats that about 5147yrs, not far out?)


No it wont, stop reading into something we'll never know.

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Hey Pete - you refer several times in post to the astrological pertinence of the Mayan calender systems (of which there are two). I presume you mean astronomical. Both take into account complex astronomical cycles, and although there is a profound underlying mysticism, i.e. the suggestion of world ages-which often have reference to gods, demons and cataclysm, they didn't use the stars to forecast whether or not tomorrow would be a good time to start a job, or take account of their finances, or whether romance would enter their lives as a dark-haired stranger whose name begins with 'M'. Rather, they used both calenders to predict such mundane things as crop yields, which is a pretty important consideration if you live in a hot part of the world. I think Robert Bauval had a theory that the long count (to which you refer) shows a remarkably strong correlation to solar magnetic cycles, which is pretty cool.


The Mayans were extremely accomplished mathematicians, and had advanced knowledge of metallurgy and medicine, as well as astronomy. As for chips, Longcol, they would probably have had more luck than us getting the potatoes. And I'd rather have peyote than beer...


I think it's generally agreed that Dec 23rd is the start of the next age, and it's going to end on the 22nd. This happens to be my parents' wedding anniversary so I could save myself the bother of getting them a present. No?

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Maybe we should be looking forward to 2012 because although it is not just the end of the world - it is also the start of a new age.


Read of this what you will.


The following predictions are theories based upon sources of varying origin and credibility. Many of these theories rely upon conjecture, and should therefore not be considered to be facts.


The Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide, according to "The Peak of World Oil Production and the Road To The Olduvai Gorge" by Richard C. Duncan.


The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, speculated that Pope Benedict XVI would reign during the beginning of the tribulation of which Jesus spoke, and sometime later a future pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", the last in this prophetic list, would appear, bringing as a result the destruction of the city of Rome and the Last Judgement. [4].


Terence McKenna's Novelty Theory, based on a mathematical interpretation of human events, predicts a point of singularity in which humankind will go through a great shift in consciousness.


According to the 1997 book The Bible Code, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code a meteor, asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth. Some believe this means the world will end. This event was supposedly prophesized by John the Evangelist as Wormwood in the Book of Revelation.


This is from Wickipedia - I didn't make it up.

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