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Mayan end of world 2012 MEGATHREAD

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The sacred Aztec calendar is properly called the Eagle Bowl. It represents the solar deity Tonatiuh. The amazingly accurate calendar has been in use in various forms for more than 2,000 years. A Zapotec prophecy, based on the Eagle Bowl, states:

“After Thirteen Heavens of Decreasing Choice, and Nine Hells of Increasing Doom, the Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never before known in the creation, and that fruit shall be the New Spirit of Men.”


The 13 Heavens and 9 Hells were each 52 years long (1,144 years total). Each of the 9 Hells were to be worse than the last. On the final day of the last Hell (August 17, 1987), Tezcatlipoca, god of death, would remove his mask of jade to reveal himself as Quetzelcoatl, god of peace.


In the mythology of the Aztecs, the first age of mankind ended with the animals devouring humans. The second age was finished by wind, the third by fire, and the fourth by water. The present fifth epoch is called Nahui-Olin (Sun of Earthquake), which began in 3113 BC and will end on December 24, 2011. It will be the last destruction of human existence on Earth. The date coincides closely with that determined by the brothers McKenna in The Invisible Landscape as “the end of history” indicated by their computer analysis of the ancient Chinese oracle-calendar, the I Ching.


The Mayan calendar is divided into Seven Ages of Man. The fourth epoch ended in August 1987. The Mayan calendar comes to an end on Sunday, December 23, 2012. Only a few people will survive the catastrophe that ensues. In the fifth age, humanity will realize its spiritual destiny. In the sixth age, we will realize God within ourselves, and in the seventh age we will become so spiritual that we will be telepathic.

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It is said the world will end on the 23/12/2012.


I worry about everything, now i have something new to worry about .......Do i do the christmas shopping that year or not? ;)


:hihi: Very good question I must admit to thinking that myself.

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Some people believe that it is the dawn of a new age of enlightenment and spirituality rather than an apocalipse

Also the bible says that no man will know when the end will happen it only gives signs of the end, so no point in worrying me thinks :D .


Well said, Moonbird. Ultimately, it is a process of the human race becoming more enlightened and spiritual. It's not something to fear



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Originally Posted by mattyuk1

It is said the world will end on the 23/12/2012.


I worry about everything, now i have something new to worry about .......Do i do the christmas shopping that year or not?


Just make sure you keep the receipts safe.

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If the Mayans were so clever, why is it that they're extinct and the ruins of their society is growing the Central American equivalent of daisies? If their predictive abilities were so damn good, why didn't they see what did for them?


Something may happen in 2012 - it may not.


Everything that the worry-warts have suggested, from asteroid strike to solar magetic field reversal, Earth magnetic field reversal, famine, flood, volcanoes and earthquakes - Earth has suffered them all before.


If it's so big that it's a planetary wide extinction event then there ain't much point in worrying about it, as wherever you run to it'll get you.


I personally think, if anything at all, it will be more of a 'paradigm shift' for our time - a sort of 21st Century Woodstock, with a change in our attitudes and beliefs.

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:hihi: Very good question I must admit to thinking that myself.

What a great excuse that would be ... I didn't send you a card this year, cos I thought the world was going to end a couple of days before ... Sorry! :hihi:


There are theories that the world has 'ended' several times before, of course ... The Flood being one such ending?

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I read something a while ago - it may have been nostrodamus or something telling that the end of the world will be nigh when the earth becomes subjected to severe weather fluctuaions and an increase in natural disasters.

This will ultimately lead to a mass famine and discord would spread amongst survivors, who will then turn upon each other.


Lovely picture aint it???

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