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Mayan end of world 2012 MEGATHREAD

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23/12/2012.mmmmmmmm dont think so see u all on the 24/12/20012


What about before then? will we see you in the meantime or are you going to hibernate in a bearlike way untill that date?:confused:


If it happens it happens, what would be the point in wasting the last four years on earth as we know it by worrying about some thing that might not happen anyway?






It will happen though.










Only kidding it'll never happen














*nods head knowingly*

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Yet another "Ooh the world is going to end and all these predictions have been right so far" - which is really read as "Ooh, someone speculated that the world will end (possibly depending on the translation) and we can make a fortune over the next few years with speculatative books about it all! Strike whilst the iron's hot guys!!"


All a load of claptrap! We had it at the end of the Millenium with the Nostradamus notes being referenced by everyone (who love to point out how he predicted Hitler - or did he? Or his prediction of Kennedy being assassinated - or did he? Or his other predictions which are very dubious and the verses can be apportioned to many events depending on how you plan to interpret them). The ambiguity of the predictions amuses me on these things - Nostradamus' 'end of the world' predictions could be read as either total decimation, or a rebirth into a new age of man. Are we in a new age? Well every year man enters a new age and new understandings come to light - so WOW! He was right! Mankind is evolving! What a genius!


Well, for all those who really believe this nonsense I ask this. In December 2012 would you be willing to give me all your worldy possessions? I could do with the funding to work on my own book about how the world will end in 2030 (I will worry about the verses to translate before then).


Here's the first of my predictions for the future -


"A person will come to pwer and there will be sorrow!"


the second


"The gullible shall fall for anything sold to them for £8.99 at Waterstones!"

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He did predict a lot of things, that have come true.



There is not, as yet, one single instance of a prophecy of Nostradamus being interpreted, and a specific event to which it refers being forecast, before said event takes place. He's never "predicted" anything.


All that's ever happened is that AFTER an event, people have interpreted one of his quatrains to refer to that event, and said "hey, look, he predicted that accurately!" This is about on a par with the mysterious ability to draw a card from a deck at random, notice that it's the ten of diamonds, and claim miraculous powers that enable you to draw specifically the ten of diamonds from a deck at 51/1 odds.


Richard Feynman used to open his lectures with another example of this. He'd say, "An amazing thing happened to me today. On my way to this lecture, I saw a car with the number plate XFK 594. Incredible! What are the odds that, out of the millions of number plates in this country, I should see exactly that one? It must be significant."

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There is not, as yet, one single instance of a prophecy of Nostradamus being interpreted, and a specific event to which it refers being forecast, before said event takes place. He's never "predicted" anything.


All that's ever happened is that AFTER an event, people have interpreted one of his quatrains to refer to that event, and said "hey, look, he predicted that accurately!" "


Agree with you entirely. His predictions are so vague that they could be applied to anything anyone decides that they apply too ..

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Wasn't it supposed to end 1999/2000!!! :roll:


And in 1975. Further back than that, my late Dad said that when he was a boy, the end of the world was forecast for the 1920's. People climbed mountains to be near heaven - true. The end of the world for me is a record by the late great Skeeter Davis.

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There is not, as yet, one single instance of a prophecy of Nostradamus being interpreted, and a specific event to which it refers being forecast, before said event takes place. He's never "predicted" anything.


All that's ever happened is that AFTER an event, people have interpreted one of his quatrains to refer to that event, and said "hey, look, he predicted that accurately!" This is about on a par with the mysterious ability to draw a card from a deck at random, notice that it's the ten of diamonds, and claim miraculous powers that enable you to draw specifically the ten of diamonds from a deck at 51/1 odds.


Richard Feynman used to open his lectures with another example of this. He'd say, "An amazing thing happened to me today. On my way to this lecture, I saw a car with the number plate XFK 594. Incredible! What are the odds that, out of the millions of number plates in this country, I should see exactly that one? It must be significant."



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