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Tax help needed

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thank you for reading and any idea will be greatful.


I have a affair with HMRC


I was told that I have been registed as self employee since 2005 by HMRC staff. but in fact , during that period I was a full time student in the unverisity.


I have received lots tax return forms in Jan ,2012. I did not know any thing about self assessment on that time . I did not know what to fill them, I dont want to make any problem with tax collector, so I went to local HMRC branch at young street to ask the staffs for help to fill the forms. I received the SA Determination £642.6 plus tax interest to 05-2011 £ 163.16 after 2-3months.


I could not understand it bec i have never been registed as self -employee and filling all the forms with my best knowlages and on time.

so , I did not pay one penny to tax collectors while I am trying to sort out the mistake with HMRC, BUT HMRC have PASSED MY PERSONAL INFORMATION TO THE debet collectors.

I have spent lots time and money on the phone call to deal this problem. and it is driving me and my whole families mad. my wife argues with me nearly everyday.

I wound if it effects my credit score ? what can i do now? could i ask for compansciation? how could i been registered as self employee ?

Thank you for everyone


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I've had a very similar problem, hrmc registered me as self employed(self assesment) but I never was.

I get a self assesment every year even though I am on paye and have been for the last 8 years.

Every year I go to the tax office and explain this to them and every year they promise that I am all sorted and will not be asked to fill out a self assessment again...

It doesn't happen, they keep billing me for not filling it out then they remove the charge.


You need to go into the tax office with a lot of patience and explain to them that they have made a mistake it should all be sorted(but in my case its like a yearly ritual)by them pretty much straight away.

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Thank you ,Syne.

I did as you said. i went to local office many time but the staffs always told me that they dont deal with this kind issues. then,they pointed the phone box in the office and told me to call the number they gave to me. i have been fighting this since 02/2011.they are really driving me mad and the relationship go to worse with my partner for this matter.

i am looking for mortgage at monment ,so i worry about my credit score which maybe effect by this matter as HMRC hv passed my information to the debit collector.any suggestion about it?

thank you

I've had a very similar problem, hrmc registered me as self employed(self assesment) but I never was.

I get a self assesment every year even though I am on paye and have been for the last 8 years.

Every year I go to the tax office and explain this to them and every year they promise that I am all sorted and will not be asked to fill out a self assessment again...

It doesn't happen, they keep billing me for not filling it out then they remove the charge.


You need to go into the tax office with a lot of patience and explain to them that they have made a mistake it should all be sorted(but in my case its like a yearly ritual)by them pretty much straight away.

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I'm really sorry I can't help you but I share your pain. I am self employed and the amount of **** ups they make is unbelievable. They are the worst organisation (I use the word loosely) I have ever dealt with. Not to mention they are bullies who are "above" the law.


Best of luck to you.

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As said above, HMRC should really help you with this, they shouldn't just leave you in the lurch not understanding. But they can be less than helpful, I know from experience.


HMRC are currently very keen on chasing people they think are self employed but who haven't registered at such, they may have made a mistake with you.


If you get nowhere with HMRC and want professional help, drop me a pm. I work at an accountants in the centre of Sheffield and I'd be happy to help sort things out.

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as said above, hmrc should really help you with this, they shouldn't just leave you in the lurch not understanding. But they can be less than helpful, i know from experience.


Hmrc are currently very keen on chasing people they think are self employed but who haven't registered at such, they may have made a mistake with you.


If you get nowhere with hmrc and want professional help, drop me a pm. I work at an accountants in the centre of sheffield and i'd be happy to help sort things out.


hi, we are hopeless now. I have just received another letter from the debt collectors. They said to me they will take legal action against me if i am not pay immediately. I am very worry about it. Do not know what will be happened on me. I think i really need ppl like you to help me. But i dont know if you charge fee or not? How much do you charge ? Could i get the cost which i pay for from hmrc? I dont think hmrc could do what they want to mass ppl 's life like this. Thank you .

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Exact same problem with me - they forced me to register for Self Assessment even though I've been a PAYE employee for decades - the last ten in the public sector - and never done any part time work or anything liable to tax.


They were convinced I was trying to get out of paying tax and produced "evidence" of a tax agent in Newtown, Mid Wales, that I'd recruited.


I contacted the accountants they'd cited, who had never heard of me. They told me this happens all the time.


Don't waste your time on the phone. Print off everything you can, send it to HRMC and also tell them you are sending copies to the Financial Ombudsman. That's the only way you'll get any action.


I kept ringing, only to be told "we'll look into it, just ignore any letters that are sent".


That's all well and good but they'd decided I owed £1000 tax and were charging interest daily and sending threatening letters monthly.


It took six months in the end but they finally sorted it. In my case they'd allocated my NI number to a "man with the same name and similar DOB" who was in the Self Assessment scheme. They claimed they couldn't pay compensation as it would come out of the public purse, but they did.

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exact same problem with me - they forced me to register for self assessment even though i've been a paye employee for decades - the last ten in the public sector - and never done any part time work or anything liable to tax.


They were convinced i was trying to get out of paying tax and produced "evidence" of a tax agent in newtown, mid wales, that i'd recruited.


I contacted the accountants they'd cited, who had never heard of me. They told me this happens all the time.


Don't waste your time on the phone. Print off everything you can, send it to hrmc and also tell them you are sending copies to the financial ombudsman. That's the only way you'll get any action.


I kept ringing, only to be told "we'll look into it, just ignore any letters that are sent".


That's all well and good but they'd decided i owed £1000 tax and were charging interest daily and sending threatening letters monthly.


It took six months in the end but they finally sorted it. In my case they'd allocated my ni number to a "man with the same name and similar dob" who was in the self assessment scheme. They claimed they couldn't pay compensation as it would come out of the public purse, but they did.


thank you very much . I will do as you said

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