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Car Insurance Tips?

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Hi, I've just passed my driving test at 17. Am very eager to get a car, but of course - extortionate insurance prices are blocking the way!


I know this is a question that's been asked a million times before - but does anyone have any tips for getting those prices down? Any cars, companies, experience or advice to add? I've tried pretty much every trick in the book, I've added older drivers to the quote, I've got a low insurance car, done tons of quotes with different companies and comparison sites and so on. The best I've had is around £2000 with Co-operative Insurance, which is "black box" insurance, with a 1.0/1.2 car.


Any tiny little scrape of advice very much appreciated!

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Simple. Lie. If it gets stolen, your excess is so high it'll be easier for you to cancel the policy instead of claiming lol.


And if you have an accident and kill someone the rest of us mugs will pay out on your behalf.

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hi have 3 years no claims....my insurance is just under £600 for the year, fully comp, with co-operative insurance iv been driving 7 years though only got 3 years no claims as i was on some one elses policy, your age, your inexperience as a driver, your postcode, and were you keep the car ie on a drive, a road, a carpark etc, whether the car has an alarm etc can also be factors in how your insurance works out :-)

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Might be worth enquiring as to what discount you would get if you took your pass plus,it it suppose to bring it down a fair bit,plus you should be a better driver for it.


doesnt count for much unfortunately

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