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No Whites. No Blacks. No Dogs. No Irish.

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never seen that one :suspect:


6 soldiers other week.Only wanted a cuppa cha (hotel i think) They refused to serve them,as they were in uniform.However,it backfired on the owner,and another business stepped in and offered the boys free drinks.

Lot of bad publicity for said business.And probably a lot of lost trade as well.

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You might well not be. Nobody is sure whether the equality act applies to taking in a room-mate; after all, a room-mate has to be a personality match.


thing is, strangely, have you ever seen an ad saying "no peadophiles"???, does that make everybody in the country complicit in peadophillia?

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Does HeadingNorth actually have a view on anything..


My view is that I'd rather gnaw off my own arm and sell it for medical purposes, than take in a room-mate to help cover the rent. I value my privacy. A lot.



Given that I'd never take in a room-mate of any kind, it's not very meaningful for me to speculate on what restrictions I would want to apply to who might be acceptable.

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Maybe this will bring back blacking up. Sales of shoe polish must be doing well in those areas.


I remember well blacking up with white lipstick and gloves to perform De Campown Ladies sing dis song at a cubs gang show. Those were the days (Being a cub that is)

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If I'm sharing a house why shouldn't I be able to put "no dolers, no smokers no uglies, no religious folk" on the advert for a roommate?


It's not discrimination, it's me being considerate. If you turn up and we meet and I'm looking for a particular type of flatmate, then you've just wasted half your day coming to see me cause you're going to get the knock back anyways. Better to know from the advert and save time/awkwardness/disappointment. Like on a dating website. It's not discrimination if a woman puts "looking for tall dark professional" so what's wrong with adding a criteria for a prospective flatmate?


If I ever rent out a room the ad will read "single, south American or middle eastern female under 25. Prefer non smoker" :)

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