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Mosque attacked by Islamists!

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Terrible news. These structures were hundreds of years old, historical treasures.


There is nothing new about Muslims attacking mosques or each other though.


Its a shame but still nothing compared to the destruction of such by NATOs bombing over the years.


Ive not read it in detail yet, but it says they broke the door :o

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Its a shame but still nothing compared to the destruction of such by NATOs bombing over the years.


Ive not read it in detail yet, but it says they broke the door :o


AFAIK several ancient sites have been attacked of late in Timbuktu inc shrines dedicated to Islamic Saints.

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Islamists love destroying shrines. They made a right mess all over Asia. Seems any religion is fair game, even their own.


yeah religion is very destructive, whether it be peoples lives or buildings, buddhists and satanists are probably the only the exceptions.

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As 'Islamists' have very little to do with the actual religion of Islam it doesn't surprise me in the least.


I wonder (and this is me thinking aloud because I have no idea of figures) how many 'Islamists' have actually read the Quran compared to the number who get taken in by the preaching of some nut job with his own agenda.


If the Sunnah/Hadith (which is what most of the Shariah is made of) contradict the Quran (which some of it does) then it should not be applied as Islamic law. If it is the people doing so are not Muslims as they are putting mans word above the word of God, in Islam such people would be considered (depending on the context) as either polytheists or idol worshippers.

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It has happened before, and it will happen again. There once were great Buddhist kingdoms in Central Asia, but traces of their existence, their great monuments and temples, were practically wiped out by Muslim invaders. The only interesting thing about this is Muslims destroying Islamic monuments.

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Hi Jason, don't recall that promise about Obama , must have just been wishfull thinking , got Brits coming here soon to stay a while...the Mosque does look like a nice old building though :)

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