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Mosque attacked by Islamists!

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Islamists love destroying shrines. They made a right mess all over Asia. Seems any religion is fair game, even their own.



No Nothing can be done to save timbiktu. not because it cannot be saved, but to do so western governments would have to deal with calling radical Islam, what it is, an irrational hatred of anything that does not begin and end with their beliefs.


Christians and Jews have been virtually completely ethnically cleansed from Arab lands, while the western left wingers can only focus on apartheid Israel where arab Israelis have more freedom and opportunity than in any arab country.


To admit there is something going wrong with Islam would slam the left's narrative of a multi-cultural society, which is a noble idea, but its timing has come along during the birth of a death cult, that is as violent in equal proportion to the denial of its existence by people full of moral vanity that bothers me.

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No Nothing can be done to save timbiktu. not because it cannot be saved, but to do so western governments would have to deal with calling radical Islam, what it is, an irrational hatred of anything that does not begin and end with their beliefs.


Christians and Jews have been virtually completely ethnically cleansed from Arab lands, while the western left wingers can only focus on apartheid Israel where arab Israelis have more freedom and opportunity than in any arab country.


To admit there is something going wrong with Islam would slam the left's narrative of a multi-cultural society, which is a noble idea, but its timing has come along during the birth of a death cult, that is as violent in equal proportion to the denial of its existence by people full of moral vanity that bothers me.


Many people also forget that Israel has also taken in more Jews from Islamic countries than the Muslims that have left Israel.

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As 'Islamists' have very little to do with the actual religion of Islam it doesn't surprise me in the least.


I wonder (and this is me thinking aloud because I have no idea of figures) how many 'Islamists' have actually read the Quran compared to the number who get taken in by the preaching of some nut job with his own agenda.


If the Sunnah/Hadith (which is what most of the Shariah is made of) contradict the Quran (which some of it does) then it should not be applied as Islamic law. If it is the people doing so are not Muslims as they are putting mans word above the word of God, in Islam such people would be considered (depending on the context) as either polytheists or idol worshippers.




your reference to the islamists is appropriate, but the roots of this ideology go much deeper and further back.


It is the Saudi establishment, fuelled by Salafist ideology, that has done the most to destroy Islamic and non-Islamic heritage in recent times. An ideology it is keen to spread round the world.


"Ali al-Ahmed, the head of the organisation, formerly known as the Saudi Institute, said: "The destruction of Islamic landmarks in Hijaz is the largest in history, and worse than the desecration of the Koran."


Most of the buildings have suffered the same fate as the house of Ali-Oraid, the grandson of the Prophet, which was identified and excavated by Dr Angawi. After its discovery, King Fahd ordered that it be bulldozed before it could become a pilgrimage site.



The fate of Timbuktu, falling into the hands of Islamists motivated by an oil-fuelled Salafi ideology (a return to an imagined source, which included the smashing of idols) is another dark moment. I imagine the libraries of Timbuktu, which were already at risk, could be next for destruction.

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Christians and Jews have been virtually completely ethnically cleansed from Arab lands, while the western left wingers can only focus on apartheid Israel where arab Israelis have more freedom and opportunity than in any arab country.


Give us some proof please, of both of these statements, in your own words.


A bit of advice: Abdol Hossein Sardari was a much nicer person than a certain group of white European males were, back in WWII.

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Many people also forget that Israel has also taken in more Jews from Islamic countries than the Muslims that have left Israel.


Yeah, many people also that jewish terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing dozens of British soldiers.


These jewish terrorists would later become the israeli government.



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Yeah, many people also that jewish terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing dozens of British soldiers.


These jewish terrorists would later become the israeli government.




Why did they blow it up?

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