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Mosque attacked by Islamists!

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your reference to the islamists is appropriate, but the roots of this ideology go much deeper and further back.


It is the Saudi establishment, fuelled by Salafist ideology, that has done the most to destroy Islamic and non-Islamic heritage in recent times. An ideology it is keen to spread round the world.


"Ali al-Ahmed, the head of the organisation, formerly known as the Saudi Institute, said: "The destruction of Islamic landmarks in Hijaz is the largest in history, and worse than the desecration of the Koran."


Most of the buildings have suffered the same fate as the house of Ali-Oraid, the grandson of the Prophet, which was identified and excavated by Dr Angawi. After its discovery, King Fahd ordered that it be bulldozed before it could become a pilgrimage site.



The fate of Timbuktu, falling into the hands of Islamists motivated by an oil-fuelled Salafi ideology (a return to an imagined source, which included the smashing of idols) is another dark moment. I imagine the libraries of Timbuktu, which were already at risk, could be next for destruction.


and unfortunately an ideology that we in the west are happy to accept as 'Islam' which fuels the fire of hatred on both sides.


It seems there is a vicious circle of 'Islamist' ideological nonsense which fuels western media that informs a reaction that fuels Islamist ideological nonsense.




Maybe one day we (that being humans, of all denominations) will wake up and break the cycle.

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Last time I looked she was still tied up in my cellar.



all that stuff in the media about how she loves cambodia and the people

I was in san reap when they were filming the scenes at angkor wat for tomb raider.

she used to fly in every day in her private jet from bangkok :hihi:


there wasn't a hotel up to her standard there.

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Because the israelis weren't our allies then.


Just as the israelis aren't our allies now.


And the israelis will never be our allies in the future.

Could it have been in response to the military operation conducted by the British on the Jewish sabbath.

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Could it have been in response to the military operation conducted by the British on the Jewish sabbath.


I thought it was because they wanted the British out. There was inter-ethnic Jewish-Arab violence with the British Army in the middle and they both wanted us out.

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First we have Sikh's joining the EDL to stop peadophilia spreading in their communities now we have islamists attacking Mosques! Whatever next?


whatever next ? probably egpyt

You wouldn't want to take bets on the survival of what is left of non-Muslim and non-compliant Muslim artefacts ithere'.


The salafist Al Nour party in Egypt (reputedly funded from Saudi Arabia) did surprisingly well in the recent elections, and their spokesman is a "down with this kind of thing" when it comes to culture:



when party spokesman Abdul Munaim al-Shahat appeared on a TV talk show, he insisted that a divider be set up between himself and a female guest. In his most recent demand, he calls upon Egyptians to "destroy the temples!" He wants Egypt to finally put an end to the "idolatrous worship" of its pharaonic heritage.


If Shahat had his way, sculptures, statues and portraits spanning 5,000 years of Egyptian history would be covered with a layer of chalk, and pharaonic street names would be Islamicized."

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I thought it was because they wanted the British out. There was inter-ethnic Jewish-Arab violence with the British Army in the middle and they both wanted us out.


Something like that, the British tried to police the fighting and conducted a big operation which the Jews responded to.

We should just let them get on with it and allow their God to decide whom the victor should be.

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and unfortunately an ideology that we in the west are happy to accept as 'Islam' which fuels the fire of hatred on both sides.


It seems there is a vicious circle of 'Islamist' ideological nonsense which fuels western media that informs a reaction that fuels Islamist ideological nonsense.




Maybe one day we (that being humans, of all denominations) will wake up and break the cycle.


Good idea. Everyone should get together for a rational debate which would no doubt end in the abolition of every religion, completely.

If that ever happened people would just find something else to disagree/fight about.


Which one are you peddling again? Is it Buddhism or moderate Islam?

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Yeah, many people also that jewish terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing dozens of British soldiers.


These jewish terrorists would later become the israeli government.




Yes extremist terrorist scumbags they were, just as the militant factions in Gaza are nowadays.


Are you honestly going to defend and justify the Palestinians right to armed resistance on a daily basis but condemn the Israelis because they were guilty of the same over 60 years ago?


The Israeli government is democratically elected. How many Arab states can claim that?

There are also members of parliament and government in israel who are Arabs.

How many Arab states have Jews in their government?

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Good idea. Everyone should get together for a rational debate which would no doubt end in the abolition of every religion, completely.

If that ever happened people would just find something else to disagree/fight about.

Which one are you peddling again? Is it Buddhism or moderate Islam?


I agree entirely, that wasn't my point.


My point was that we need (in my own opinion) to respect people who have different opinions to us and if we seek to engage with them at least understand those opinions first before jumping on a bandwagon of hate caused by misunderstanding (on all sides) which inevitably fuels the whole situation.


I'm not 'peddling' anything. I have my own faith (Buddhism) but I have no desire to push it on anyone. On the contrary I am usually pressed to answer questions about it by non Buddhist friends who are interested in my faith.

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