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Why I can't complain to Blunkett about Blunkett

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David Blunkett MP is very happy for you to contact/complain to him, either by attending his surgery, writing to him or emailing him at blunkettd@parliament.uk


You will of course not only get an answer but a proper explanation. Private Eye is not an information publication, its a gossip rag. Getting the facts is always the prerequisite to getting wise.


Will you explain why:


  • You predicted that 'no more than 13,000 people' would come to the UK from Eastern Europe?
  • Why Sheffield is still paying for the disastrous WSGs which you and your equally inept sidekick Betts landed us with?
  • How you ensure one of your employers (A4e) gets the lion's share of Government 'Back to Work' programs?
  • How to get a passport for your (illegal) nanny?
  • How you dare show your face in public?



Replies on this forum will be eagerly awaited.

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Back in 2006 i returned home from living in N.Ireland.

I was down on my luck,and having a bit of a battle with the benefits dept.

I got in touch with Mr Blunkett,and my problems were quickly resolved.

I aint got a bad word to say about him.


Good point, the clueless on here tend to forget about unimportant (to them) details like this as they froth and rant because an MP has failed to live up to their schoolboy politics expectations.

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Good point, the clueless on here tend to forget about unimportant (to them) details like this as they froth and rant because an MP has failed to live up to their schoolboy politics expectations.


Probably because the details about one person are unimportant compared to the damage Blunkett has done.

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Will you explain why:


  • You predicted that 'no more than 13,000 people' would come to the UK from Eastern Europe?
  • Why Sheffield is still paying for the disastrous WSGs which you and your equally inept sidekick Betts landed us with?
  • How you ensure one of your employers (A4e) gets the lion's share of Government 'Back to Work' programs?
  • How to get a passport for your (illegal) nanny?
  • How you dare show your face in public?



Replies on this forum will be eagerly awaited.

Think we will all be waiting a long time for David to answer those very very awkward questions!
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Will you explain why:


  • You predicted that 'no more than 13,000 people' would come to the UK from Eastern Europe?
  • Why Sheffield is still paying for the disastrous WSGs which you and your equally inept sidekick Betts landed us with?
  • How you ensure one of your employers (A4e) gets the lion's share of Government 'Back to Work' programs?
  • How to get a passport for your (illegal) nanny?
  • How you dare show your face in public?



Replies on this forum will be eagerly awaited.


One of the most depressing things about this Forum - and why I only usually visit when I’m stuck in a hotel far away from home, as I am now - is the number of people who seem only too willing to demonstrate their ignorance.


In your case, I can only presume that 74 is a reference to your IQ.


I may disagree politically with David Blunkett, but I have never had any doubt about his commitment to Sheffield and Sheffield people. Neither do I under-estimate his personal achievements. Over the years, whenever I have had to contact him about business issues or my charitable interests, he has been unfailingly helpful and gone out of his way to assist.


If I am critical of him, it’s that he didn’t extend Anti-Social Behaviour Orders to trolls!


Obviously, he can answer these questions for himself. However:


Q1. He didn’t.


It was Conservative MP David Davis who did, and it was falsely attributed to David Blunkett by blogger Iain Dale on several occasions.


“Now, where could Iain Dale have got this 13,000 figure from? Well, it was a figure thrown at Blunkett in 2004 during a debate on the enlargement of the EU… by none other than his old mukker David Davis. In reply, Blunkett said… “I have never said that there would be only 13,000 people… We published independent research on the website last summer, with its methodology. The figure of 13,000 has never crossed my lips. We will not know the situation until people apply for the vacancies that exist in our economy.”



Q2. The total cost of the World Student Games was paid in 1991-92. There is no outstanding debt from the Games. [if you search this Forum under my name, you can find the facts.]


Further, to the best of my knowledge – and I was involved with the Chamber of Commerce on this – (1) David Blunkett had been elected to Parliament well before the City Council decided to bid for the Games, and (2) he wasn’t involved at all.


Q3. He isn’t an employee of A4e. [At least his Register of Interests doesn’t say that.]


If you had any knowledge about tendering for government contracts – and my business has only done so rarely in the UK, although we do occasionally tender and win work in other parts of the public sector in the UK and overseas – you would know that Ministers are simply not involved in the process.


Q4. What are you alleging?

I think you should be very careful. I understand a number of local charities have benefitted from the damages that newspapers have had to pay from making false allegations on this issue. I think The People actually had to pay out twice!


Q5. Well, he does. Do you?

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Q4. What are you alleging?

I think you should be very careful. I understand a number of local charities have benefitted from the damages that newspapers have had to pay from making false allegations on this issue. I think The People actually had to pay out twice![/b]


I think he's alleging what was decided by the Budd Enquiry, namely that "An official inquiry has found a "chain of events" linking David Blunkett to the speeding up of a visa application by his ex-lover Kimberly Quinn's nanny.


The BBC link is http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4112109.stm. Maybe Blunkett should sue the BBC for printing the truth.

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One of the most depressing things about this Forum - and why I only usually visit when I’m stuck in a hotel far away from home, as I am now - is the number of people who seem only too willing to demonstrate their ignorance.


In your case, I can only presume that 74 is a reference to your IQ.


An excellent, well thought-out response. Not.


While I have no intention in getting into a one-legged ass-kicking contest with you about who can find the most favourable links, a quick trawl of the internet will reveal all.


Blunkett has been forced to resign. Not once, but twice.



Q3. He isn’t an employee of A4e. [At least his Register of Interests doesn’t say that.]



Really? Try this.



Q4. What are you alleging?

I think you should be very careful. I understand a number of local charities have benefitted from the damages that newspapers have had to pay from making false allegations on this issue. I think The People actually had to pay out twice!



A clumsy, pathetic attempt at closing down a debate. Even so, he'd better look to sue Wikipedia which outlines the charges. There was no direct evidence, but he resigned anyway - for the first time.


The second time he was forced to resign was after a conflict of interest over his owning shares in DNA Bioscience emerged. A pattern seems to be emerging.


This is not to mention Blunkett's disastrous PCSO scheme ('Blunkett's bobbies), his multi-£Billion waste of taxpayers' money with his ID Card scheme, etc. etc.


Your last point about Blunkett not being afraid of showing his face in public, but do you? Yah, boo and pass the sick bag. Why should I be afraid? It's not me that's had to resign in disgrace. Twice. It's not my ill-judged decisions that have cost the country billions.

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Quite frankly , can't be a£%@d attending Mr Blunkett's surgery , have more faith in his dog , who has no political thoughts . It's not just him though , politicians of every colour are all interlinked , eg . "Man of the People" John Prescott appointed Windsor to improve the railways ( great job done so far Tom ), and now Windsor is to oversee police privatisation into the hands of G4S ,they of Jimmy Mubenga fame, may he rest in peace .


Would vote for Blunkett's dog rather than him , they're all in it together ( and if I hear the word "globalisation" again I'm gonna cry , this global monopoly is what we should be fighting against .) Just my pleb thoughts ....

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