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Happy 'throwing off colonial overlords' day, USA!

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not all of them. Only about thirty per cent of the colonists actively supported the revolution. Another thirty per cent, sided with the British. The rest sat on their hands and just watched which way the wind blew.


George Washington fought the French as a Colonel in the British Army in the French-Indian wars and regarded himself (as most in the colonies did at that time) as an Englishman/woman. It was only later on when the revolution really turned nasty that they started to call themselves anything different

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In reality, the Declaration of Independence was only for the rich and upper class Colonists.

They were refering to themselves, not their servants and slaves.

It was pretty much a Barons Charter, as was the Magna Carter, in an earlier time and place.


This is very much self evident in they way Americans live today.

If you have money and influence, the world is your oyster.

If you have nothing, go to hell.


Only in America ? :o

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I personally don't mind the Royal family, I would even count myself as a "Royalist" but really cba with going to all these things the Queen does etc...


I trust our "Land Monopolist Overlords" a lot more than I do our wonderful elected Politicians, who kiss your a*** one day and boot it the next...


I like the Royals. They had their fangs pulled a century or more back and now they make very pleasant "Heads of State" with all the very colourful pomp and ceremony which I personally happen to find very enjoyable and highly entertaining :thumbsup:

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I like the Royals. They had their fangs pulled a century or more back and now they make very pleasant "Heads of State" with all the very colourful pomp and ceremony which I personally happen to find very enjoyable and highly entertaining :thumbsup:


Fangs pulled out?


You sure about that ?


The last time I checked

They still own are heads of much of the western world

We still sign a oath of alliance too them

All our taxes are too them

My passport has their logo so does most of other high value products

Etc etc


A true democracy has no room for royalty

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I like the Royals. They had their fangs pulled a century or more back and now they make very pleasant "Heads of State" with all the very colourful pomp and ceremony which I personally happen to find very enjoyable and highly entertaining :thumbsup:


Dont forget many things.

HRH is still Head of State, and still runs the show. Dont be fooled.

Remember the fate of the last one to openly defy HRH.

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Doesnt Canada celebrate their anniversary of Confederation which took place in 1867?


Quite happy to retain Lizzie as out head of state. Very happy not to be part of a united North America and very pleased that this country was rescued from French rule.

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What about the the first part of my comment though, Harleyman?


The 13 colonies/states differed very much in many ways. The formation of a union could never have been achieved without a good deal of compromise.


Virginia and the Carolinas were mainly tobacco and cotton growing colonies with large plantations owned by gentlemen of society who apart from owning slaves otherwise lived very much the kind of lifestyle their land owning cousins lived in England. Most. if not all were of pure British stock


The northern states on the other hand were far more industrialized with sizeable cities, Boston, New York and Philadelphia full of immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, Germany as well as the Old Yankee descendents of earlier settlers of Protestant English and Scots-Irish stock


Therefore, two very different kinds of people. two very different outlooks and views. The farmers who farmed their lands in New York and Pennsylvania were a whole different breed than their countreparts in Virginia and the Carolinas.


A marriage of convenience had to be arranged between the aristocratic society of the south and the industialized society of the north. Had the north not turned a blind, (if somewhat disproving eye) to the practice of slavery in the south then the union of the colonies/new States could never have taken place which would of course have left a collection of disparate states, weak and extremely vulnerable to invasion by British troops from Canada at any time.


As for your assumption that it was only a revolution of "aristos" that's just rubbish. The Revolutionary armies were made up of men from all backgrounds

and there was never an establishment of any kind of upper class dynasty afterwards. A man did as well as he could and gained his wealth from hard work and effort and not by hereditary means


The losers of course were the slaves but the European mind looked on them as uncivilized lesser beings who were "possessions" just like pet dogs or cats or chickens or cattle.

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Quite happy to retain Lizzie as out head of state. Very happy not to be part of a united North America and very pleased that this country was rescued from French rule.


Is it possible to retire to Canada after working in England for a lifetime?

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