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Slave descendants have superior athletic genes!

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They are. Unless you can prove otherwise?

I'm not disputing it. I'm just arguing that the relationship between acquiring a sporting skill and one's race isn't purely causal. There are other factors.


I've named many sports that white people are more successful at.

I've not disputed it. You also named sports that black people are very succesful at.


You've named one that's popular with black people in America. Although a quick google disproves your point.

I don't understand how that disproves that black people do show a skill for basketball.

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As far as I can remember there's been hardly any black tennis champions, or golf champions (Tiger's mixed race before you claim him as black) Snooker? Motor Racing? A black nations never won the world cup? Or the rugby world cup? Darts? Any black jockeys? The list is endless. Ski-ing, swimming?


Black people excel at some sports, as mentioned, those that require explosive power...


Good post.

It wont make you popular around here though but good post all the same.

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Although only the strong would have survived so natural selection could play a part.


Yes! Chris Rock (the funny standup comedian and not-so-good actor) mentioned that as well as only the strongest slaves surviving, slave owners would actually get their strongest slaves to breed together, making a race of super-strength slave babies :o


Of course, the intellectual (but weak) slaves would probably not even have survived the gruelling journey from Africa...

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Errrr.. oxygen is dependant on altiude isn't it? Not latitude


It is also dependant on density and cold air is denser than warm air, this means a lung full of cold air contains more oxygen than the same lung full of warm air.:)

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It is also dependant on density and cold air is denser than warm air, this means a lung full of cold air contains more oxygen than the same lung full of warm air.:)


Would air in a high pressure area be less or more dense?

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As far as I can remember there's been hardly any black tennis champions, or golf champions (Tiger's mixed race before you claim him as black)


Was only chatting with my youngest about this the other day when he remarked that two lads he knew played golf off very low single figure handicaps. I asked who their parents were and lo and behold they were also keen golfers and professional people. I think the absence of blacks who have been successful in golf and tennis has more to do with class and association.


If the private golf clubs didn't make a feature of exclusivity then far more working class kids would have an interest in it. I remember as a youth, that golf and tennis were totally alien to me and my friends (black & white), you needed money to participate and membership of a club to get any good at it. Kicking a football around the park or having scraps was a relatively low cost enterprise in comparison. Think about it, the kids who regularly play golf & tennis amounts to a tiny % of children. If the field genuinely was an open one the kids my son was championing would probably not get a look in.


When we see a white, British, Wimbledon champion who drops their vowels and doesn't hail from the home counties, I think you'll see more blacks (and white working class) becoming interested in these kind of elitist sports.

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Hundreds of champions? It's just as valid to say that white working class people are no good at tennis..how many of those have been champions..? There's more to it than race...


You got there before me truman :thumbsup:

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Would air in a high pressure area be less or more dense?

High pressure areas are usually caused by cooler air so the density will be greater in high pressure areas than the warmer low pressure areas. .

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