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London to send homeless to Yorkshire

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The capping of housing benefits were designed to do this. It is not something to be astonished about as it was always the likely result. To be more accurate, it was the planned result. The tories are attempting to move poverty out of the capital as poverty is not pretty for tourists to look at.


The prosperous tourist on his way to Selfridges should not be made to suffer the indignity of being approached by a homeless ex nurse who was made redundant by the present fascist regime.:)

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I've said before we need to build a wall to keep them out.


We even need inner walls, to keep Sheffielders out of Barnsley tips for example.


The riots this year will be spectacular. We could quite easily descend into a civil war.


Educate yourselves, you are all slaves to the land, unless you're a land monopolist (and there aren't actually that many of them).

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And then are we gonna send them back when housing prices/demand plummet in London whilst prices/demand in Yorkshire sky-rocket creating even more homeless people ?


For every person you remove from London there will be five waiting to take their place. Therefore housing prices/demand in London will never plummet. Ergo, you'll be stuck with a load of unemployed Londoners !!!

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People wanting to buy, are not wanting to rent, so it doesn't affect them.


The article says they intend to buy houses in Yorkshire to rent out to their tenants.


Maybe if they bought some land and had Yorkshire people build them some houses on it, then it would be a good idea.


And we already have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

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Well is has it's advantages for the government. Any disgruntled unemployed down South might not vote tory in the next election and they could lose seats. It would be better to send them North where we all vote Labour anyway ... supposedly

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After the Rochdale abuse scandal its recently been revealed that the North West is a dumping ground for youngsters. The small town of Rochdale has more childrens homes than entire Greater London and the South East combined.


That surely isn't right?

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