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What's the silliest thing the council's ever done ?

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In you life time what do you think are the silliest things the council have done, for me it has to be road bumps.

I'm not doubting there are places where these are usefull, but come on, do we really need all of these.?

Carter Knowle road is a prime example, you've got a problem getting up to 20mph let alone speeding.

Near the school I can see, but for the rest of it, if it's that much of a problem put in a crossing....

Too often I get the impression that they've just fell off the back of a wagon and left there...

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.................student games springs to mind. I think we are still paying for therm! I have never heard of anyone else hosting them


Give the man a tufty badge :), biggest mistake EVER & yes we'll still be paying for them until 2032 apparently.

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In you life time what do you think are the silliest things the council have done, for me it has to be road bumps.

I'm not doubting there are places where these are usefull, but come on, do we really need all of these.?

Carter Knowle road is a prime example, you've got a problem getting up to 20mph let alone speeding.

Near the school I can see, but for the rest of it, if it's that much of a problem put in a crossing....

Too often I get the impression that they've just fell off the back of a wagon and left there...


I don't have a problem with most of the speed bumps, if you position your car right you don't even notice them.

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.................student games springs to mind. I think we are still paying for therm! I have never heard of anyone else hosting them


No we're not, the council has restructured the loan several times in order to fund further capital projects. If this hadn't been done then the debt would have been paid off by now.


Imagine you've taken out a mortgage on your house and then used the equity to raise further money to pay for holidays, extensions, cars, etc.


Plus: List of countries hosting World Student Games.

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No we're not, the council has restructured the loan several times in order to fund further capital projects. If this hadn't been done then the debt would have been paid off by now.


Imagine you've taken out a mortgage on your house and then used the equity to raise further money to pay for holidays, extensions, cars, etc.


Plus: List of countries hosting World Student Games.


Oh yes we ARE, see taken from BBC website 14th July 2011;


The World Student Games which took place in Sheffield 20 years ago ran up an overall debt of £658m.


Sheffield Council, which funded the 1991 games, has revealed it will continue to repay £25m a year until the debt is paid off in 2024 despite having to make savings of £80m this year. I was out by 8 years sorry.


Lib Dem group leader Shaffaq Mohammed branded the games a financial disaster.

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One of the silliest things they ever did was to allow the ski slope at Parkwood Springs. A little foresight, a little planning, a lot of hard work from enthusiastic volunteers, and we could have had a remarkable inner-city - near enough, Nature Reserve.


Just in case the Ski Village has permanently closed, I do believe it's not too late for this fantastic dream I have.


"Parkwood Springs RSPB Reserve" - in our lifetime?

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One of the silliest things they ever did was to allow the ski slope at Parkwood Springs. A little foresight, a little planning, a lot of hard work from enthusiastic volunteers, and we could have had a remarkable inner-city - near enough, Nature Reserve.Just in case the Ski Village has permanently closed, I do believe it's not too late for this fantastic dream I have.


"Parkwood Springs RSPB Reserve" - in our lifetime?


Or another 25 years of tipping.

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