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Personal travel insurance Europe trip 90+ days

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I'm planning a 6-7 month trip around Europe in a few weeks and need some insurance that covers trips for 90+ days for myself and the OH. I've had a couple of quotes already. but thought i'd try the knowledge that is SF before committing.


Anyone have any recommendations of companies worth trying?



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Do I take it you refer to the NHIC card? that's why I asked if any pre existing conditions. If you have any that on its own is not sufficient I'm afraid, oh & I do know.


Would someone with pre existing conditions that need regular treatments be off travelling around Europe?

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thanks for responses, we're both mid to late 30s, no previous medical conditions. We've both got EHIC cards already so are sort of covered. But we want something that is a bit more comprehensive and covers repatriation, full medical expenses etc etc basically all the gaps that the EHIC doesn't cover.


thanks again

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Would someone with pre existing conditions that need regular treatments be off travelling around Europe?


Why wouldn't they?


'Pre-existing conditions' does not necessarily mean 'needs 24 hour a day medical care.'


I'm sure that many insurance companies could be quite imaginative when they decide what constitutes a 'pre-existing condition.'

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Would someone with pre existing conditions that need regular treatments be off travelling around Europe?


Put it this way I'd love to be able to if I could afford it, just because I have pre existing conditions, I'd stock up on my tablets & get good medical insurance.


Up to this year when; my health has deteriorated further, I could normally go away for 2 weeks for about £400.00 insurance.


I got some quotes the other week; out of curiosity, for a week in Turkey in September. I put in my conditions &, for one week the cheapest was £700.00, and the dearest £2,000.00. So unless I win the lottery we'll never go abroad again.

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travel insurance is one area where the prices of the premiums increased massively in very short order, following the 2008 financial crisis. If I'd have got a policy the week before Lehman brothers collapsed, rather than a week after, I'd have shelled about £70 less.


I've found this lot are pretty good


Direct Travel Insurance



but never had to make a claim, so can't tell you how good they are when it comes to paying out.

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