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Parents- Whats the best policy when kids bicker & taunt each other?

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Gone on for years, kids will always fall out & "tittle tattle", but if adults get involved could turn ugly. The chances then are that the kids are m8's next day, plus the way kids talk to people now days is awful, some of em deserve a good slap.


But our nanny state prevents that, as long as no bullying or violence leave em to sort it, as said its all part of growing up, or it was when I was a youngster.

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I agree but you're not looking for a long term solution..I have daughters, been there and done it. For the time it takes you to come to what you think is a solution, the problem will most likely have sorted itself..if it hasn't it will do.






Originally posted by skinz

It won't be if you make it so, unless there's something more serious you haven't added.

No there's nothing more serious happening, It's just that whenever they start, I can feel myself becoming more and more wound up by the minute, even more so when it's my daughter that's being ganged up on, or when someone else's kid starts giving me lip cos I'm not there dad. Yes, I know, it's what kids do, but it reeeaaally winds me up.




Originally posted by skinz

My girls torment each other every day..drives me bonkers but my usual response is..'hey if you cant conduct yourselves civilly then don't come whining in my space'.:hihi:


Painful yes, hurtful yes, frustrating yes..all the things my parents had to deal with with my brother and I :hihi:


Just be there for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on.


Don't get involved in child politics..specially girly one's :shakes:

But surely as adults/parents, it's our responsibility, our role if you like, to set the example to our kids and instill it within them that this sort of behavior is cruel, hurtful and something we won't allow. Isn't this why schools have a zero tolerance to this sort of behavior?
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Just watch football supporters. Grown men hurling insults and chanting obscenities at each other...................................then we wonder where the kids get it from.

Dick head parents produce dick head children. :roll:


You are aware that children use this forum I presume??:o;)

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But surely as adults/parents, it's our responsibility, our role if you like, to set the example to our kids and instill it within them that this sort of behavior is cruel, hurtful and something we won't allow. Isn't this why schools have a zero tolerance to this sort of behavior?



agree completely, lead by example. Kids are sponges they take in every little word we all say around them and every little thing that is happening around them.

we as parents are here to teach them how to enjoy life and live a long happy life, I dont consider arguing and fighting enjoyable so i dont get involved with those things and i have a very happy life with my wife and 3 excellent kids so we must be doing something right eh ?


Just watch football supporters. Grown men hurling insults and chanting obscenities at each other...................................then we wonder where the kids get it from.

Dick head parents produce dick head children. :roll:


agreed :hihi:

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All kids bicker. You should see my 8 and 6 year old grand daughters get into it when they're over at our house.

There's no physical punishment in this family only restriction of privileges. No popsicles, no sweets, cancellation of trips to the park among a few

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All kids bicker. You should see my 8 and 6 year old grand daughters get into it when they're over at our house.

There's no physical punishment in this family only restriction of privileges. No popsicles, no sweets, cancellation of trips to the park among a few

I've started giving my daughter 10 minute time outs whenever I find myself repeatedly having to tell her about something or when she's done something that she knows I won't be happy about. she's been spending quite a bit of time in her bedroom lately, or should I say she's been standing at the top of the stairs shouting- 'is it ten minutes yet? Is it ten minutes yet?....
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This is all part of their social development. Some children are not as developed socially as others. I usually find that a walk to the shops or an hour at the park works as by the time you get back the situation is diffused. Till next time. I've done this when the situation gets too much. Its a waste of time letting hell break out with parents because while you're arguing it out, the little darlings are playing happily in the backround. Hate to be a party pooper but the 6 week holidays are just around the corner! Just take her away from the situation andcalmly talk her through it, giving her strategies to cope with it.Good luck for the next 6 weeks.

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I've started giving my daughter 10 minute time outs whenever I find myself repeatedly having to tell her about something or when she's done something that she knows I won't be happy about. she's been spending quite a bit of time in her bedroom lately, or should I say she's been standing at the top of the stairs shouting- 'is it ten minutes yet? Is it ten minutes yet?....





This is the time when you have to chill and have a good old laugh to yourself.

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This is the time when you have to chill and have a good old laugh to yourself.


Yeah, I know. :P


But all joking aside, the behavioral traits that children display isn't something that they'll necessarily grow out of. Iv'e witnessed so called "adults" who I've worked with displaying similar traits. They'd normally group together to impose their will onto others, or just be down right nasty to anyone they didn't get on with or anyone who they believed posed a threat to their earnings or livelihood. Maybe they're the way they are because their parents just left them to it when they were kids? I'm not saying I didn't name call, tease and torment when I was a child.. I did, but what was instilled into me by my parents has always been a guiding influence in my life, which is why I no longer treat people in this way, and why I despise the likes those muppets I used to work with, and probably why I won't allow my child to behave like they do. WOW!! I think we're getting to the nitty-gritty of it all now.

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