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Speed awareness courses

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To respond to the usual suspect on this topic AND frustratingly repeat the facts that are wilfully ignored incessantly:


- yes, I do drive in advance of your reply

- the Police aren't policing the roads to the degree that I'd like, so we agree

- road safety cannot ever be guaranteed by where the needle points. Agreed again!

- speed does not kill, impact does (that happens when someone does not have enough space and shares the same space as someone/something else)


Bunching does not only happen at the lower speeds. Bunching happens as a result of driver choices and has nothing to do with posted limits. Witness lane 3 on most busy motorways full of dullards crossing their fingers and toes.

Frustration, risk taking, bad attitude - I'm not as sure about that in other drivers as I am that you are expressing how you feel it yourself. Chill!

Saying that driving faster keep a driver more alert and renders him a better driver is a bit like saying that a drink or two or three would make you a better driver on the way home.

The L-test did not get easier when independent driving easier (making the DSA re-think the time taken up by the mano's). Making an element of the test more like real post-test driving deserves our support.

Read last night's Star to get the truth on how many cameras have been turned off (they haven't, in any serious way, been turned off).

If anyone has been on a Speed course, the abiding message should be that a few mph makes a massive difference to impact due to the extra kinetic energy. Speeders on the courses are now being referred for speeds between 35 and 42mph. Just over?!?


And you make it sound like you know what your talking about.You obvioulsy dont and should get out more but without the same attitude!


Firstly the driving test DID get easier,it used to be that you were tested on all the excercises,now your tested on a random two,explain to us how that is harder cos im confused,

im not even going to bother with the rest its just rubbish and everyone who reads it will already know without me saying.

Edited by Xt500
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And you make it sound like you know what your talking about.You obvioulsy dont and should get out more but without the same attitude!

Take a look in the mirror, you come across as having a very aggressive attitude coupled with a lack of willingness to consider what other people are saying, and sometimes just a lack of understanding of what other people are saying.


Firstly the driving test DID get easier,it used to be that you were tested on all the excercises,now your tested on a random two,explain to us how that is harder cos im confused

When did it test all manoeuvres? Before I took my test in 1996 if you're correct...

im not even going to bother with the rest its just rubbish and everyone who reads it will already know without me saying.

You lecture someone about attitude and finish with this :roll:

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I took my test in 1991 and it only tested two of the three back then (3 point turn and reverse around a corner). I was quite relived not to have to do the parallel park because I felt I needed more practice.


The current test is 40 minutes. I was out and back in 20.


As for the Swindon example posted by XT500, these links put doubt into the figures:






The police continued to use mobile cameras in Swindon, and they also began installing traffic calming measures, including road narrowing. And we are only talking FIVE cameras on just THREE roads.


And this quote from the AA is interesting,particularly the bit I've marked in bold:


The president of the AA, Edmund King, said its latest poll showed that 70% of drivers supported speed cameras. He has sought assurances from Wiltshire police that they will not allow the streets of Swindon – until now best known for their many and often intricate roundabouts – to be turned into a "racetrack".


So it's easy to say that turning off the cameras has been good. But you have to do a bit of digging to find out the other information which are also responsible for taking over the work of the cameras.

Edited by alchresearch
more evidence found
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Speeding doesnt cause accidents!


Lets see some examples of these accidents that were caused by speed please but i wont hold my breath.


Speed is attributed to being the cause of 6% of accidents but even in that minute amount there will be other factors primarily the cause.


Lowing the speed limits helps no one,any one choosing to go faster will!


Are you a little confused? First you say:


Speeding doesnt cause accidents!


then you say:

Speed is attributed to being the cause of 6% of accidents


Make up your mind!

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I took my test in 1991 and it only tested two of the three back then (3 point turn and reverse around a corner). I was quite relived not to have to do the parallel park because I felt I needed more practice.


The current test is 40 minutes. I was out and back in 20.


As for the Swindon example posted by XT500, these links put doubt into the figures:






The police continued to use mobile cameras in Swindon, and they also began installing traffic calming measures, including road narrowing. And we are only talking FIVE cameras on just THREE roads.


And this quote from the AA is interesting,particularly the bit I've marked in bold:




So it's easy to say that turning off the cameras has been good. But you have to do a bit of digging to find out the other information which are also responsible for taking over the work of the cameras.


Why would you quote something that the AA say as true ater all they are the very private company who are now in the business of providing speeding courses.I know if i was making money from courses id be a little bias wouldnt you?

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Are you a little confused? First you say:


Speeding doesnt cause accidents!


then you say:

Speed is attributed to being the cause of 6% of accidents


Make up your mind!


My mind is made up as anyone who reads the post before you plucked the bits out of it will know!


Just because 6% is attributed to speed doesnt mean 6% was caused by speed it just means someone chose to make them that way but even so its a very very small amount and if it wasnt an easy earner we would bearly hear about speed.


Not one single person out of the millions who have paid a ticket for speeding have ever caused an accident doing it.How do you explain that?

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I took my test in 1991 and it only tested two of the three back then (3 point turn and reverse around a corner). I was quite relived not to have to do the parallel park because I felt I needed more practice.


The current test is 40 minutes. I was out and back in 20.


As for the Swindon example posted by XT500, these links put doubt into the figures:






The police continued to use mobile cameras in Swindon, and they also began installing traffic calming measures, including road narrowing. And we are only talking FIVE cameras on just THREE roads.


And this quote from the AA is interesting,particularly the bit I've marked in bold:




So it's easy to say that turning off the cameras has been good. But you have to do a bit of digging to find out the other information which are also responsible for taking over the work of the cameras.


Exactly my point,the test is too easy and people like you who if tested properly, as it used to be would have failed.

Im waiting for you to explain your post how the driving test got harder not easier!If you used to be tested on all excerscises and now just a random two how is that harder,or do you just argue for the sake of it because it looks that way at the moment!


I was tested properly on all 4 differnt tests and didnt fail any of them,not even close!

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Exactly my point,the test is too easy and people like you who if tested properly, as it used to be would have failed.

When was this then? I've asked once and you've ignored the question.

I was tested properly on all 4 differnt tests and didnt fail any of them,not even close!

Well done, being able to reverse around a corner and parallel park hardly makes you driver of the year.

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